I am attempting to display different content based on a subscribers points balance, with set value ranges.
But the 'less than or equal too' operator <= is causing an error, where the code thinks it's trying to start a new tag.
I've tried to escape the < character with & lt; or & #60; without any luck.
VAR @giftcardvalue
SET @giftcardvalue = [some data extension variable]
%%[IF EMPTY(@giftcardvalue) THEN]%%
%%[ELSEIF @giftcardvalue >= 0 AND @giftcardvalue <= 99 THEN]%%
CODE HERE (0-99)
%%[ELSEIF @giftcardvalue >= 100 AND @giftcardvalue <= 999 THEN]%%
CODE HERE (100-999)
%%[ELSEIF @giftcardvalue >= 1000 AND @giftcardvalue <= 9999 THEN]%%
CODE HERE (1000-9999)
%%[ELSEIF @giftcardvalue >= 10000 THEN]%%
CODE HERE (10000+)
Help - With thanks!