I would definitely NOT resend to these people while just starting to warm up your IP. The beginning is a crucial part of building your IP/Domain reputation, and you should take no chances until it has been thoroughly warmed up.
A block bounce is essentially the server not trusting your email and rejecting them from delivery. Sending to these people again will in fact worsen your reputation as the server views multiple attempts with the same email in a short period of time to be 'spammy'.
Your best bet is to (for now) cut them out and suppress them until you have a foundation for your IP reputation and can begin to take chances with reputation.
If these are subscribers you have a relationship with already (and other means of communication with), you can ask them to White list your new IP (and/or Domain) so that their mail server will skip the filtering process and you can then resend to them with no reputation issues.
See below for SFMC definition of Block Bounce: (https://help.exacttarget.com/en/documentation/exacttarget/resources/system_guides/bounce_mail_management/)
Block Bounce
A block bounce (which is considered a type of soft bounce) occurs when the email server rejects the email due to filter issues, such as URL blocks, lack of proper authentication, or the domain or IP address is found on a blacklist utilized by the receiving domain. A subscriber who receives a block bounce will be re-tried in the next email send.
The following describes the causes of a block bounce.
- Complaint: Your email is blocked due to complaints
- Blacklist IP address is on a blacklist
- Content Message was filtered due to content
- URL Block: Emails containing your URLs are blocked
- Authentication Message lacks required authentication