Here is the Code.
public with sharing class page1
@TestVisible private integer totalRecs = 0;
@TestVisible private integer index = 0;
public integer blockSize = 5;
public page1(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
totalRecs = [select count() from Account where name!= null limit 10];
public List<Account> getaccounts()
List<Account> accs = Database.Query('SELECT name, site, Phone, Website, Fax, AccountNumber, Rating FROM Account LIMIT :blockSize OFFSET :index');
System.debug('Values are ' + accs);
return accs;
public void beginning()
index = 0;
public void previous()
index = index - blockSize;
public void next()
index = index + blockSize;
public void end()
index = totalrecs - math.mod(totalRecs,blockSize);
public boolean getprev()
if(index == 0)
return true;
return false;
public boolean getnxt()
if((index + blockSize) > totalRecs)
return true;
return false;
Not able to cover else statement in Boolean method
page1 obj = new page1(); obj.getprev();
obj.index =1
then again callobj.getprev();
it will cover the else part as well