The following method has no code coverage because it's only called from a VF page. How to call it in my test class and how to set the variables for the If() statements to be covered?

public PageReference addTraining() {
    if (currentQ.Selected_Contacts_Ids_List__c == Null || currentQ.Selected_Contacts_Ids_List__c == '') {
        List < training__c > rd = [Select ID FROM training__c WHERE Training_Resource__c =: currentQ.Id];
        delete rd;
        return null;
    Training__c[] ts = new Training__c[] {};
    if (currentQ.Selected_Contacts_Ids_List__c.containsNone(',')) {
        ts.add(new Training__c(Shal__c = currentContacts_CSV, Training_Resource__c = currentQ.Id));
    } else {
        for (String cId: splitContactIds) {
            ts.add(new Training__c(Shal__c = cId, Training_Resource__c = currentQ.Id));
    List < training__c > rd = [Select ID FROM training__c WHERE Training_Resource__c =: currentQ.Id];
    delete rd;
    insert ts;
    return null;

3 Answers 3


You can initialize your controller class by doing

MyVisualforceController ctrl = new MyVisualforceController();

Now you can assign values to any properties you need in the method you want to test.

ctrl.currentQ = new Object();

After every dependency of your function is initialized you call your function. Use the startTest and stopTest methods to validate how close the code is to reaching governor limits.

PageReference ref = ctrl.addTraining();

Finally assert that the function has done what you designed it to do.


Simply create the instance of your class i.e

MyVisualforceController objMyVisualforceController = new MyVisualforceController();

And then by using instance of the class call to that method i.eobjMyVisualforceController.addTraining();


Try the below steps in your Test class.

ApexPages.standardController sc = new ApexPages.standardController();
//You can pass variables through this one like new ApexPages.StandardController(PassID);
ApexControllerCls acc= new ApexControllerCls(sc);
//ApexControllerCls is your Controller Class Calling from VF Page

Hope this might helps....

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