I am trying to find my way to wrap my head around this problem. I am trying to eliminate 3 of these for AggregateResult loops and just make one since it is getting the same object. I am a new Salesforce Developer and I am trying to figure out what will be the most efficient way to do this. If anyone has an input on this I'd definitely love to hear it.
AggregateResult[] asgns = [SELECT LP_SAS__c, SUM(Exposure_Amt__c)total FROM CC_ASGN__c WHERE LP_SAS__c IN :sasIds AND Status__c = 'Assigned' GROUP by LP_SAS__c];
AggregateResult[] asgnsres = [SELECT LP_SAS__c, SUM(Reserve_Amount__c)total, SUM(Discount_Unearned__c)total1, SUM(Exposure_Amt__c)total2 FROM CC_ASGN__c WHERE LP_SAS__c IN :sasIds GROUP by LP_SAS__c];
AggregateResult[] asgnsbb = [SELECT LP_SAS__c, SUM(Amount_Deducted_from_Reserve__c)total, SUM(Buyback_DE__c)total1, SUM(Exposure_Amt__c)total2 FROM CC_ASGN__c WHERE LP_SAS__c IN :sasIds AND Status__c = 'Buyback' GROUP by LP_SAS__c];
AggregateResult[] asgnswo = [SELECT LP_SAS__c, SUM(Amount_Deducted_from_Reserve__c)total, SUM(Buyback_DE__c)total1, SUM(Exposure_Amt__c)total2 FROM CC_ASGN__c WHERE LP_SAS__c IN :sasIds AND Status__c = 'Write-off' GROUP by LP_SAS__c];
Then it goes as follows
for (AggregateResult ar : asgns) {
updateSass.add(new LP_SAS__c(Id = (ID)ar.get('LP_SAS__c'), Exposure_Total__c = (Decimal)ar.get('total')));
system.debug('ar ' + ar);
if (updateSass.Size()>0){
update updateSass;
for (AggregateResult ares : asgnsres) {
updateSassres.add(new LP_SAS__c(Id = (ID)ares.get('LP_SAS__c'), Reserve_ASGN__c = (Decimal)ares.get('total'), Unearned_Discount_ASGN__c = (Decimal)ares.get('total1'), Exposure_Total__c = (Decimal)ares.get('total2')));
if (updateSassres.Size()>0){
update updateSassres;
for (AggregateResult bb : asgnsbb) {
updateSassbb.add(new LP_SAS__c(Id = (id)bb.get('LP_SAS__c'), Reserve_Buyback__c = (Decimal)bb.get('total'), Unearned_Discount_Buyback__c = (Decimal)bb.get('total1'), Exposure_Total__c = (Decimal)bb.get('total2')));
if (updateSassbb.Size()>0){
update updateSassbb;
for (AggregateResult wo : asgnswo) {
updateSasswo.add(new LP_SAS__c(Id = (id)wo.get('LP_SAS__c'), Reserve_Write_off__c = (Decimal)wo.get('total'), Unearned_Discount_Write_off__c = (Decimal)wo.get('total1'), Exposure_Total__c = (Decimal)wo.get('total2')));
if (updateSasswo.Size()>0){
update updateSasswo;