So I've read the following:
- Can I assign Aggregate SOQL Result directly to variable?
- Using AggregateResult in SOQL
- Soql avg,sum,max error in apex program
- Working with SOQL Aggregate Functions
And I cannot get this to work for anything. The field I am trying to aggregate is Time_Spent_minutes__c
from our IT Request ticketing system. Time_Spent_minutes__c
is a formula field that gives the total amount of time spent on a single request between to date/time fields as minutes. I'm trying to collect all of these within a given time range (say a week), and then average them out into a single field in the Summary_Reporting__c
object. I cannot for the life of me figure out why all I get returned is a blank field value.
I would appreciate some advice. Thanks!
//Attempt 3
Trigger VS_Summarizer on Summary_Reporting__c (after insert, after update)
List<Summary_Reporting__c> toUpdate = new List<Summary_Reporting__c>();
for(Summary_Reporting__c sumrep :
if(sumrep.Object_to_Summarize__c == null && sumrep.Value__c == null)
Decimal avgAmount = (Decimal)[SELECT AVG(Time_Spent_minutes__c)aver
FROM IT_Request__c
WHERE Date_Closed__c >= : sumrep.Period_Start__c and Date_Closed__c <= : sumrep.Period_End__c group by Date_Closed__c][0].get('aver');
sumrep.Value__c = avgAmount;
update toUpdate;
Below is a bit more convoluted, but it's where I was originally. Then I worked my way to just trying to make it work with a single trigger (the above).
//Attempt 2
Trigger VS_Summarizer on Summary_Reporting__c (after insert, after update)
summarizerLibrary sl = new summarizerLibrary();
for(Summary_Reporting__c sumrep :
public class VS_Summarizer_library
public void averagerOfITReqs(Summary_Reporting__c sumrep)
if(sumrep.Object_to_Summarize__c == null && sumrep.Value__c == null)
if(sumrep.Type__c == 'AVG')
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT AVG(Time_Spent_minutes__c)aver
FROM IT_Request__c
WHERE Date_Closed__c <= : sumrep.Period_Start__c and Date_Closed__c >= : sumrep.Period_End__c group by Date_Closed__c];
double avg = double.valueOf(groupedResults[0].get('Time_Spent_minutes__c'));
sumrep.avgValue__c = avg;
Decimal avgAmount = (Decimal)[SELECT AVG(Time_Spent_minutes__c)aver
FROM IT_Request__c
WHERE Date_Closed__c <= : sumrep.Period_Start__c and Date_Closed__c >= : sumrep.Period_End__c group by Date_Closed__c][0].get('aver');
sumrep.Test__c = avgAmount;
update sumrep;
Resolution notes:
I implemented the suggestions from the answer, and also thought hard about Adrian's question. Once I made the tweaks and put the date ranges back to an appropriate date range it immediately started working.
Thanks for the help!