I have tried to push data to data extension through a landing page using SSJS. The form fields contain HTML characters (which will import to the Data Extension fine). I'm getting this error when I submit the form:

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client 

The error is being thrown because some of these fields contains < and > characters.

I am wondering if there is a way to replace those characters before submitting, or encode them in some way prior to entering the data extension? I know AMPscript has a Replace function, but I'm not sure how I can use it within SSJS to achieve what I'm after.

Is there a Replace function, or something similar within SSJS? Or another way to approach submitting these fields to the data extension?

4 Answers 4


Base64Decode() is available in SSJS. You would have to encode before sending in.



You can use the replace function in SSJS as you would do in AMPScript.

I would say the urlencoding function is the right one for encoding, so it stays sort of human-readable in the DE and can be shown on e.g. a cloudpage.

<script type="javascript" runat="server">
var yourinput = "<html></html>";
yourinput = yourinput.replace("<","%3C");
yourinput = yourinput.replace(">","%3E");



See https://www.urldecoder.org/


I had a similar custom application, after some R&D I came up with this approach.

You can also use this approach to pass HTML/XML code from an external application to Marketing Cloud's Landing page.

1) Use the below function to Encode your INPUT field which have your HTML codes.

Encoding using window.btoa() method.

<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('Contentblock').onsubmit = function() 
             var t = window.btoa(document.getElementById('Email_HTML').value);
             document.getElementById('Email_HTML').value = t;

2) Use the below SSJS function to Decode your request parameter from HTML form.

Decode using Platform.Function.Base64Decode() method.

var Email_HTML = Platform.Function.Base64Decode(Platform.Request.GetFormField('Email_HTML'));

Not sure if you still need this, but see my answer on this post.

AMPscript to decode HTML entity in data extension field

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