I just upgraded when I saw the opportunity to do Apex Unit Test configurations (to make testing as easy as clicking the "Play" button). What I've found, though, is that when the tests run, they run on the server-side version of the code, which defeats the purpose since I can't make changes locally and test them.
Here's some evidence: 1) I put System.AsssertEquals(1, 2); and it's still passing 2) I created a new test method locally and chose it as an option for "Test method" in the "Run Configurations" popup, but when I run it, it gives the warning "Method asdfadfasd does not exist in the the apex class with Id :01po0000004o54e"
Am I missing something obvious here to be able to test local unit tests? I'm trying to find a rapid way to do unit tests without having to deploy to the server (which requires running all my unit tests and thus takes forever).
Any help is appreciated!