
Developer script exception from . : ConsumerBookingCreate : ConsumerBookingCreate: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: unknown duplicates value on record with id: 0011600001oyhaS: [] Class.ConsumerBookingCreateHelper.createBooking: line 57, column 1 Trigger.ConsumerBookingCreate: line 2, column 1

Getting the error at these lines:

if ( insertAccountList != null )
        System.debug('About to insert accounts. ' + insertAccountList);
        insert insertAccountList;
        System.debug('AFTER insert of person accounts');


trigger ConsumerBookingCreate on Case (after insert) {

Apex Class:

public with sharing class ConsumerBookingCreateHelper {

public static void createBooking(List<case> cases){     
    List<account> insertAccountList = new List<account>();
    List<booking__c> insertBookingList = new List<booking__c>();
    Map<Id, Account> caseToAccountMap = new Map<Id, Account>() ;
    Set<String> facilityIds = new Set<String>();
    Map<String, Facility__c> facilityMap = new Map<String, Facility__c>();
    Set<Decimal> userIds = new Set<Decimal>();
    Map<Decimal, User> userMap = new Map<Decimal, User>();
    RecordType persRecordType;
    List<RecordType> persRecordTypes = [ select Id, Name, DeveloperName from RecordType where SObjectType = 'Account' and IsPersonType = true ];
    if ( persRecordTypes != null && persRecordTypes.size() > 0 )
        persRecordType = persRecordTypes[0];        
        persRecordType = new RecordType(id='012G00000012BAJ');
    for(Case c : cases) {
        if (c.Phantom_Case__c == true && c.Origin == 'Web') {
            Account newA = new Account();
            if (c.Last_Name_WTC__c != null) {
                newA.LastName = c.Last_Name_WTC__c;
            } else {
                newA.LastName='No Last Name';
            newA.RecordTypeId = persRecordType.Id;
            newA.RecordTypeId = '012G00000012BAJ';
            newA.FirstName = c.First_Name_WTC__c;
            newA.LastName = c.Last_Name_WTC__c;
            newA.Phone = c.SuppliedPhone;
            newA.Alternate_Phone__c = c.Alternate_Phone_WTC__c;
            newA.PersonEmail = c.SuppliedEmail;
            newA.Partner_ID__c = c.Partner_WTC__c;
            newA.Partner_Website__c = c.Partner_Website__c;
            newA.Original_Booking_Case__c = c.Id;
            newA.Consumer_Id__c = c.Consumer_Id_WTC__c;
            // set up the facility Ids
            facilityIds.add( c.facility_external_id_WTC__c );        
            // set up the user Ids
            userIds.add( c.SpareFoot_Booking_Agent_Id_WTC__c );
    System.debug('Testing for accounts.') ;  
    if ( insertAccountList != null )
        System.debug('About to insert accounts. ' + insertAccountList);
        insert insertAccountList;
        System.debug('AFTER insert of person accounts');
    // get the facility Ids
    if ( facilityIds != null && facilityIds.size() > 0 )
        List<Facility__c> facilities = [SELECT id, name, Facility_Id__c, Account__r.Id FROM Facility__c WHERE Facility_Id__c IN : facilityIds ];
        if ( facilities != null && facilities.size() > 0 )
            for ( Facility__c f : facilities )
                facilityMap.put( f.Facility_Id__c, f );
    // get the user Ids
    if ( userIds != null && userIds.size() > 0 )
        List<User> users = [SELECT id, name, Booking_Agent_Id__c FROM User WHERE Booking_Agent_Id__c IN : userIds ];
        if ( users != null && users.size() > 0 )
            for ( User u : users )
                userMap.put( u.Booking_Agent_Id__c, u );

1 Answer 1


See How to debug the mysterious "duplicate value found: <unknown> duplicates value on record with id: <unknown>" error for a helpful discussion.

In short, it sounds like one of your Account fields is defined as unique. You're trying to insert a non-unique field value on one or more of your Accounts in insertAccountList, hence the error. You can start by going through your Account fields and looking to find which of them should be unique.

It looks like you're also mistakenly setting newA.LastName and newA.RecordTypeId twice each within your createBooking() method, so I'd double-check your entire code for similar issues you may be overlooking.

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