<apex:commandButton value="Save" rerender="IdPanel"
disabled="{!AND(SelectedText == null && SelectedText == '')}" />
<apex:outputPanel id="IdPanel">
<apex:repeat var="TheID" value="{!CurrentList}">
<apex:outputText value="{!TheID}" />;
How can I enable/disable commandButton based on the user have selected?
Here I'm checking to see if the User have selectedText and if the SelectedText is null or empty I want the commandButton to be disabled but the below code does disable the button but but never enable even though I have value in the SelectedText
<apex:commandButton value="Save" rerender="IdPanel"
disabled="{!AND(SelectedText == null && SelectedText == '')}" />
be both null and an empty string at the same time? Would anOR
not be better?||