I have a radio button it's function is, when click it should reRender pageblock table. But when I press it button not get clicked. so that my table not get reRender. For achieving that i tried but not working. Please help me.
<apex:pageBlockTable id="cWapID" value="{!con_ord}" var="cWap" rendered="{!con_ord.size > 0}">
<apex:column headerValue="Select" styleClass="actionColumn">
<apex:actionSupport event="onclick" action="{!onChangeContract}" reRender="cWapID, attachmentSection" status="waitMsg">
<input type="radio" name="chosen" id="{!cWap.Id}" VALUE="{!cWap.Id}" onclick="setcontractId(this,'{!$Component.RadioButtonValue}');"/>
<apex:inputHidden value="{!selectedcontractId}" id="RadioButtonValue"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function setcontractId(input, textid) {
document.getElementById(textid).value = input.value;
My Controller method:
public String selectedcontractId {get; set;}
//On click of radio button change
public PageReference onChangeContract(){
return null;
On Click radio button here i am getting selectedcontractId value as an Id.