Can any one help me out with this Error as :
System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, field integrity exception:
PricebookEntryId, unknown (versions 3.0 and higher must specify pricebook entry id, others must specify product id): [PricebookEntryId, unknown]
Test class :
Public class TestInvoiceController {
static Testmethod void Invoicemethodtest() {
Date closeDt = Date.Today();
//list<opportunity> opp = new list<opportunity>();
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'icrm test acc';
insert a;
opportunity op = new opportunity(Name = 'test DIE 4/6/2015', AccountId = a.Id, StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = closeDt,
Bill_of_Lading__c = 'This is waybill1 this is waybill 2 waybill3 -34958309458 waybill - 44570375');
insert op;
// list<opportunitylineitem> ol = new list<opportunitylineitem>();
OpportunityLineItem OPplineitem = new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 2, OpportunityId = op.Id, UnitPrice = 0.01, PriceBookEntryId = '01ud0000004YWFqAAO');
insert OPplineitem;
static Testmethod void Invoicemethodtest1() {
Date closeDt = Date.Today();
//list<opportunity> opp = new list<opportunity>();
Account a = new Account();
a.Name = 'icrm test acc';
insert a;
opportunity op = new opportunity(Name = 'test NonDIE 4/6/2015', AccountId = a.Id, StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = closeDt,
Bill_of_Lading__c = 'This is waybill1 this is waybill 2 waybill3 -34958309458 waybill - 44570375');
insert op;
//list<opportunitylineitem> ol = new list<opportunitylineitem>();
OpportunityLineItem OPplineitem = new OpportunityLineItem(Quantity = 2, OpportunityId = op.Id, UnitPrice = 1, PriceBookEntryId = '01ud0000004YWFqAAO');
insert OPplineitem;
2)Why do the code coverage displayed as None.
Any help very much appreciated.