I know that users are not considered as data in test classes. For example, I can still fetch a user from database, even if the test has SeeAllData=false annotation.

How about creating and inserting a user within a test method? Does it affect licensing? Can user inserts be freely used within tests or that's something that should be avoided?

2 Answers 2


It does not affect the licensing as any data created within a test is deleted after the test has finished running. See a great article here http://scox67.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/unit-testing-tips-tricks-part-1.html?m=1 The part that will apply to you is Tip #4 on how to create users and use them using runAs() method.

If you need any help implementing let me know


I have had test classes fail due to not having sufficient free licenses available whenSeeAllData=true while creating new users, but not when SeeAllData=false, both when needing to create a RunAs user and other users, such as Owners or community users.

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