Can anyone explain me how these two declaration differs from each other
public virtual interface MyInterface { }
public interface MyInterface { }
? what this virtual keyword makes difference here?
What Chiz has explained stands true for Classes. Interfaces are always abstract which means they will only contain abstract methods. In OOPL Virtual keyword is defined against a class to allow it's implementation class to override abstract methods. As every Interface has an implementation class, defining an Interface as 'Virtual' is optional to me.
Declaring a class or interface virtual
allows the class or interface to be extended.
A virtual class may also declare methods virtual
which allows them to be overridden.
public virtual class Player {
String name;
public Player(String name){ = name;
public String getName(){
return this.Name;
public virtual String getGreeting(){
return 'Are you ready to play, ' + this.getName() + '?';
public class FootballPlayer extends Player {
public FootballPlayer(String name){
public override String getGreeting(){
return 'It\'s a great day for football, ' + this.getName() + '!';
public static void testPlayers(){
Player p = new Player('Fred');
System.assertEquals('Fred', p.getName());
System.assertEquals('Are you ready to play, Fred?', p.getGreeting());
FootballPlayer fp = new FootballPlayer('Fred');
System.assertEquals('Fred', fp.getName());
System.assertEquals('It\'s a great day for football, Fred!', fp.getGreeting());
When extending an interface there is no need to declare a method virtual since the methods are still to be defined.
public virtual interface Cleanable {
void clean();
Boolean getIsClean();
public interface Polishable extends Cleanable {
void polish();
Boolean getIsPolished();
public class Dishes implements Cleanable {
Boolean isClean;
public Dishes(){
this.isClean = false;
public void clean(){
this.isClean = true;
public Boolean getIsClean(){
return this.isClean;
public class Silverware implements Polishable {
Boolean isClean;
Boolean isPolished;
public Silverware(){
this.isClean = false;
this.isPolished = false;
public void clean(){
this.isClean = true;
public void polish(){
this.isPolished = true;
public Boolean getIsClean(){
return this.isClean;
public Boolean getIsPolished(){
return this.isPolished;
public static void testCleaningTheKitchen(){
List<Cleanable> cleanableList = new List<Cleanable>();
cleanableList.add(new Dishes());
Silverware sw = new Silverware();
for(Cleanable c :cleanableList){
System.assertEquals(true, c.getIsClean());
System.assertEquals(false, sw.getIsPolished());
System.assertEquals(true, sw.getIsPolished());
I've discovered that in interfaces, the virtual
modifier isn't necessary. Interfaces can be extended without the parent interface being declared virtual
. Also, when extending interfaces, it's possible to add methods already declared by a parent because the methods haven't been defined by the implementation yet, so there's no defined function to override. The following code compiles:
public interface Cleanable {
void clean();
Boolean getIsClean();
public interface Polishable extends Cleanable {
void polish();
Boolean getIsPolished();
Boolean getIsClean();
public interface Buffable extends Polishable {
void buff();
Boolean getIsBuffed();
Boolean getIsClean();
public class HardwoodFloor implements Buffable {
Boolean isClean, isPolished, isBuffed;
public HardwoodFloor(){
this.isClean = false;
this.isPolished = false;
this.isBuffed = false;
public Boolean getIsClean(){
return this.isClean;
public Boolean getIsPolished(){
return this.isPolished;
public Boolean getIsBuffed(){
return this.isBuffed;
public void clean(){
this.isClean = true;
public void polish(){
this.isPolished = true;
public void buff(){
this.isBuffed = true;
As it appeared, in example by AmatorVitae, interfaces are by default, wether you put virtual or not. Like private access modifier, wether you put it or not, it is private. Thanks for the question.
I leave my original answer.
As for example, virtual keyword shows that interface can be extended. You are not able to extend interface (or a class) if it isnt defined with virtual keyword.
In case of interface, class must override methods. In case of virtual it gives an option to override or use ancestor's implementation.
The virtual definition modifier declares that this class allows extension and overrides. You cannot override a method with the override keyword unless the class has been defined as virtual.
public virtual interface DemoInterface
void go();
This code works fine if i write it inside in any apex class in org. But when I write this in developer console i get an error message as "Type is virtual by default in this context" This suggest that virtual is default keyword for interface!So specifying virtual keyword for it is redundant.