Can any one help out in this test class. Why do i get an Error as :
Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: '}' at line 27 column 0.
The test class written is right or do i'm making any mistake? Any help is very much appreciated.
Trigger :
trigger ReparentComment on CaseComment (before insert) {
Map<String, Case> newCaseMap = new Map<String, Case>();
Set<Id> caseIds = new Set<Id>();
Map<Id, List<CaseComment>> ccMap = new Map<Id, List<CaseComment>>();
for(CaseComment cc :
List<CaseComment> ccList = ccMap.get(cc.ParentId);
if(ccList == null)
ccList = new List<CaseComment>();
ccMap.put(cc.ParentId, ccList);
for(Case c : [Select Id, Subject From Case Where Id in :caseIds Order by CreatedDate])
for(CaseComment cc : ccMap.get(c.Id))
cc.ParentId = newCaseMap.get(c.Subject).Id;
newCaseMap.put(c.Subject, c);
for(Case c : [Select Id, Subject From Case Where Subject in :newCaseMap.keySet() And Id not in :caseIds And Status != 'Closed'])
for(CaseComment cc : ccMap.get(newCaseMap.get(c.Subject).Id))
cc.ParentId = c.Id;
Test Class :
Public class TestReparentComment{
static testmethod void testReparentComment(){
list <CaseComment> casecomment = new list<CaseComment> ();
CaseComment cc = new CaseComment(commentBody = 'Testing for the comments to appear in the description' ,ParentId = c.Id);
insert casecomment ;
list <CaseComment> insertedcasecomment = [Select Id ,CommentBody ,ParentId from CaseComment where Id IN :casecpmment ];
for(CaseComment cc :insertedcasecomment)