Is there a limit on amount of rows that can be retrieved or deleted on a given request? I seem to keep hitting around 2500 rows when I have nearly double that in the dataextension. This seems to happen on a GET request and a DELETE. However, this does not hinder the ability to add rows in batch. I can easily add 7,000+ rows in a batch POST.

  • Are you getting back a response "MoreDataAvailable"? I know you can only retrieve 2500 at a time, not sure about Delete. This might be helpful...code.exacttarget.com/apis-sdks/soap-api/…
    – Jeremy
    Commented Sep 5, 2014 at 23:30
  • I'm using the python fuelsdk. I see there is a "more_results" response, but unlike the other language implementations, I am not seeing a "continue_request". Commented Sep 7, 2014 at 0:48
  • Is this only implemented in the SOAP client? Commented Sep 7, 2014 at 1:04

1 Answer 1


I found the correct request for this... Unfortunately, it was a matter of not reading far enough into the repo docs.

In Python:

# Retrieve lots of rows with moreResults
print '>>> Retrieve lots of rows with moreResults'
row = ET_Client.ET_DataExtension_Row()
row.auth_stub = stubObj
row.Name = "zipstolong"
row.props = ["zip","latitude","longitude"]
getResponse = row.get()
print 'Retrieve Status: ' + str(getResponse.status)
print 'Code: ' + str(getResponse.code)
print 'Message: ' + str(getResponse.message)
print 'MoreResults: ' + str(getResponse.more_results)
print 'RequestID: ' + str(getResponse.request_id)
print 'Results Length: ' + str(len(getResponse.results))
#print 'Results: ' + str(getResponse.results)

while getResponse.more_results: 
    print '>>> Continue Retrieve lots of rows with moreResults'
    getResponse = row.getMoreResults()
    print 'Retrieve Status: ' + str(getResponse.status)
    print 'Code: ' + str(getResponse.code)
    print 'Message: ' + str(getResponse.message)
    print 'MoreResults: ' + str(getResponse.more_results)
    print 'RequestID: ' + str(getResponse.request_id)
    print 'Results Length: ' + str(len(getResponse.results))

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