My pipeline is failing when adding ViewAllData to a permission set, the following error is shown:
Permission ViewAllData depends on permission(s): ViewDataLeakageEvents, ViewPlatformEvents
The pipeline attempts to deploy our changes to a new scratch org with our existing metadata. You can see in my definition file below we enable both streaming events and forensics which I believe are related to the permissions required above.
This is my scratch org definition:
"orgName": "Scratch Org",
"edition": "Developer",
"features": [
"settings": {
"lightningExperienceSettings": {
"enableS1DesktopEnabled": true
"mobileSettings": {
"enableS1EncryptedStoragePref2": false
"accountSettings": {
"enableAccountTeams": true,
"enableRelateContactToMultipleAccounts": true
"opportunitySettings": {
"enableOpportunityTeam": true
"quoteSettings": {
"enableQuote": true
"pathAssistantSettings": {
"pathAssistantEnabled": true
"enableMultiCurrency": true
"enableEnhancedNotes": true,
"enableTasksOnEnhancedNotes": true
"enableFormsOnMobile": true
"enableMiddleName": true,
"enableNameSuffix": true
"eventSettings": {
"enableEventLogGeneration": true,
"enableTransactionSecurityPolicies": true,
"enableDeleteMonitoringData": true,
"enableLoginForensics": true,
"enableStreamingApi": true,
"enableDynamicStreamingChannel": false,
"bypassMeteringBlock" :false