I am trying to fetch the parameter from url in lwc. LWC is embedded in community page. Here is the code:
import { LightningElement, track, wire, api } from 'lwc';
import { CurrentPageReference, NavigationMixin } from 'lightning/navigation';
export default class EventRegistrationNew extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) {
eventId; //this will hold the eventid captured from pagereference
getStateParameters(currentPageReference) {
console.log('inside getStateParameters');
console.log('New currentPageReference' + JSON.stringify(currentPageReference));
if(currentPageReference) {
console.log('new currentPageReference' + JSON.stringify(currentPageReference));
const fetchedEventId = currentPageReference.state?.eventid;
console.log('New fetchedEventId' + fetchedEventId);
if (fetchedEventId) {
this.eventId = `URL Value was: ${fetchedEventId}`;
} else {
this.eventId = `URL Value was not set`;
console.log('this.eventId: '+ this.eventId);
The state is always coming as null even though I am passing parameters in the url. URL: https://--.sandbox.my.site.com/****/registration?eventid=abcd But the console is showing New currentPageReference{"type":"standard__namedPage","attributes":{"pageName":"home"},"state":{}}
Any idea what I am doing wrong?