I have a data extension named "SMSUnsubLog" which includes SMS unsub data of customers. I want to get data from the data extension and update salesforce object(ContactPointTypeConsent) and another MC data extension(Contact Master)
I created a code snippet like below;
var @rowCount
set @rowCount = DataExtensionRowCount("SMSUnsubLog")
var @SMSUnsubLogRows, @rsRow, @i, @IndividualId, @MessengerConsentData, @MessengerConsentRow, @MessengerConsentId, @OptOutDate, @Result, @UpsertDE
SET @SMSUnsubLogRows = LookupRows("SMSUnsubLog")
IF RowCount(@SMSUnsubLogRows) > 0 THEN
FOR @i = 1 to RowCount(@SMSUnsubLogRows) DO
SET @rsRow = Row(@SMSUnsubLogRows, @i)
SET @IndividualId = Field(@rsRow, "IndividualId")
SET @MessengerConsentData = RetrieveSalesforceObjects("ContactPointTypeConsent", "Id", "PartyId", "=", @IndividualId, 'Name', '=', 'Messenger Services')
IF RowCount(@MessengerConsentData) >= 1 THEN
SET @MessengerConsentRow = Row(@MessengerConsentData, 1)
SET @MessengerConsentId = Field(@MessengerConsentRow, "Id")
SET @OptOutDate = Field(@rsRow, "OptOutDate")
SET @Result = UpdateSingleSalesforceObject("ContactPointTypeConsent", @MessengerConsentId, "PrivacyConsentStatus", "OptOut", "ContactPointType", "Phone", "EffectiveFrom", @OptOutDate, "EffectiveTo", @OptOutDate, "CaptureDate", @OptOutDate, "CaptureSource", "MC")
IF @Result == 1 THEN
SET @UpsertDE = UpsertDE("Contact Master", 1, "IndividualId", @IndividualId, "Messenger Opt-In", "False")
Next @i
And I created a SSJS script like below. Here, the ContentBlockByKey is the CustomerKey of the code snippet I mentiond above ;
<script runat="server">
Platform.Load("core", "1");
var content = Platform.Function.ContentBlockByKey("f12c5265-0e7e-482b-bc5d-b41656075d94");
However, when I ran once this SSJS script, I got error message "A runtime error occurred while the SSJS Activity executed the SSJS script. Please review the SSJS activity to ensure that errors are handled properly."
Can anyone help me out with this issue?
var @rowCountenter code here