We are trying to build a salesforce crm analytics "embeddedapp" template type which can be auto installed in any subscribers org and added to a lightning record or home page. Where we are struggling is to be able to find a comprehensive developer document or any training material/trail head which can help us create one from scratch. Most of the documents we got just talks about the embedded app but we need a guide on building one from scratch.

Please note that we are able to create "app" template and use them in analytics studio but we cannot distribute that to any subscriber who doesn't have analytics studio.


2 Answers 2


We have been using embeddedapp template types for about 8 months now so we have collated a solid reference of materials that might be of use to you. It can be difficult to navigate the many options through the docs, I have been exactly where you are!

To start with you will need to package your app into a template and you will add that to a managed package which you can then install on your customers orgs. Following the Analytics Templates Developer Guide is probably the most useful for you there. You will be using the Auto Install option and setting your template to type embeddedapp etc... I found following this guide was a good way to get started.

Embedded App templates don't have use of things like the install wizard, and I have never used anything beyond the SFDC_Local data connection so I'm not certain how anything beyond that would be added.

To deploy the app when the package installs there is a "hook" that it uses, which is an event it listens for. More info can be found in Part 3 of the above guide Edit auto-install.json

I also recently found a central page for CRMA Docs which I think you will find very valuable. The CRMA Developer Centre although I know, like you, finding the path for embedded types is hard, even from here. My understanding of it is that it's very much a sample item, a taster for you to share in an org with limited paid licences. I suspect this is more the assumed use case, than sharing free embedded apps with customers that don't have any CRMA paid licences. But we are carrying on with it regardless.

Aside from this understanding the Features/Licences is also important. We use scratch orgs to develop our projects and so to get the Analytics features Paid/Free to replicate environments is important.

When creating scratch orgs to dev CRMA apps we use the following features in our scratch def:

  "features": [

This adds the CRMA Plus licences and permission sets needed for developing CRMA apps and recipes.

And when replicating a free environment (NO PAID CRMA) so we can test deployment to customers, we use


This gives the org the Analytics View Only license and permission set needed for your users.

These will add the appropriate licences to your scratch orgs to match those you would need on customer orgs. Permissions for Analytics Embedded

Bit of a brain dump there but it should help get you on the right path.

  • Big help - thanks Jo_SagePeople!
    – Keith C
    Commented Jun 23 at 11:38
  • No worries, happy to share what I can Commented Jul 1 at 8:45

This has worked pretty well for me https://appexchange.salesforce.com/learn/tableau-crm-packaging-for-isvs

Procure the license from your OEM org which is Analytics View Only Embedded App. It's a 0$ SKU and equates to 1 license for 1000 users or something so check that.

I am still checking for how these embedded dashboards can be embedded in flexi pages in case we want it to be part of that.

  • Big help - thanks Rahul!
    – Keith C
    Commented Jun 23 at 11:38
  • If you need any other help on packaging dashboards let me know.
    – Rahul
    Commented Jun 25 at 7:18
  • Thanks Rahul, appreciate the offer. Think I'm over the worst of it now.
    – Keith C
    Commented Jun 25 at 10:06
  • @Rahul you can embed dashboards in pages using the Lightning dashboard component. For lightning pages you'll find it in the page editor, or you can also find how to manually add it to pages in the Development areas. Using Experience Builder to Embed: help.salesforce.com/s/… There are other related articles in this document area that may be of use to you too. Such as VF page embed etc... Commented Jul 1 at 10:07
  • Hey Thanks for the input, actually these are auto-installed apps so if we use the lightning dashboard component it's validated at compile time so we need to do it dynamically using Aura component using below: <wave:waveDashboard developerName="" height=""/>
    – Rahul
    Commented Jul 2 at 11:08

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