I have an app which contains datasets, lenses, dashboards and models. One of the datasets contains discovery predict component which uses a model that is stored under same app.
Template has been created but while fetching the wave template bundle through SF CLI, everything is getting fetched except model.
I am not sure if this will cause any problem when I deploy my app to some other org.
Came across this article - https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.250.0.bi_dev_guide_wave_templates.meta/bi_dev_guide_wave_templates/bi_templatesdev_add_discovery_story.htm , it explains adding manually in template-info.json file but the file which they have referred in their example acquired-accounts-story2.json , I am not able to find such file in my local system after retrieving from org.
Any help for the above query would be really appreciated !