I build a profile center using ampscript and cloudpage, I tried to update all subscribers status use below code but it did not update the subscriber's status at sfmc:
IF RequestParameter("submitted") == true AND RequestParameter("unsub") == true THEN
/* update contact in Sales Cloud */
SET @updateRecord = UpdateSingleSalesforceObject(
"Contact", @contactId,
"Newsletter__c", "false",
"Events__c", "false",
"Offers__c", "false",
"HasOptedOutOfEmail", "true"
/* log unsubscribe event to mark as unsubscribed in All Subscribers */
SET @reason = "Unsubscribed through custom subscription center"
SET @lue = CreateObject("ExecuteRequest")
SET @lue_prop = CreateObject("APIProperty")
SETObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Name", "SubscriberKey")
SETObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Value", @contactId)
AddObjectArrayItem(@lue, "Parameters", @lue_prop)
SET @lue_prop = CreateObject("APIProperty")
SETObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Name", "Reason")
SETObjectProperty(@lue_prop, "Value", @reason)
AddObjectArrayItem(@lue, "Parameters", @lue_prop)
SET @lue_statusCode = InvokeExecute(@lue, @overallStatus, @requestId)
value was populated correctly?