I currently have a VFP without any controller attached to it which displays some aura components and passes them input values from URL parameters. This is used to print a pdf or paper version of the components.
My requirements are to generate a pdf of the same thing when the record is sent for approval.
What I tried is:
PageReference pdfPage = new PageReference( '/apex/PrintLayoutVFP?param1=value1');
Blob pdfBody;
pdfBody = pdfPage.getContentAsPDF();
ContentVersion fileToUpload = new ContentVersion();
fileToUpload.ContentLocation = 'S';
fileToUpload.pathOnClient ='samplefile.pdf';
fileToUpload.title = 'Sample File';
fileToUpload.versionData = pdfBody;
Database.SaveResult saveResult;
saveResult = Database.insert(fileToUpload, false);
Id contentDocumentId = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id =:fileToUpload.Id].ContentDocumentId;
ContentDocumentLink linkToRecord = new ContentDocumentLink();
linkToRecord.ContentDocumentId = contentDocumentId;
linkToRecord.LinkedEntityId = 'hardcodedid'; // hardcoded just to check the result
linkToRecord.ShareType = 'I';
insert linkToRecord;
<apex:page >
<apex:includeLightning />
<style type="text/css">
.print_page_title h1 {
text-align: center;
font-size: 25px;
font-weight: bold;
.print_page_title h2 {
text-align: center;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
<div class="print_page_title" style="text-align:center">
// this fragment below is repeated for every component
<div id="print_layout" class="print_layout medium_line_height">
<span class="single_component_title"> {!$CurrentPage.parameters.param1} - {!$CurrentPage.parameters.param1}</span>
$Lightning.use("c:PrintLayoutApp", function() {
isPrintLayout: true,
param1: value1,
function(cmp) {
console.log("c:component loaded successfully in VF page");
The result is a PDF file which displays a bunch of css code and doesn't show any component.
I believe that the problem with this is that the components take a little (around 1 second) to load, so whenever I call the method it just takes an instant photography.
Is there a way to generate the PDF from this VFP and have it display the components correctly loaded?