Hi I'm needing help working with sending date literals from a wire method to my controller. LWC JS:

import {LightningElement, wire, track,api} from 'lwc';
import getOutgoings from '@salesforce/apex/PropertyCostReportController.getAllOutgoings';

export default class propertyOutgoingsChartLWC extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    chartjsInitialized = false;
    get options() {
        return [
            { label: new Date().getFullYear(), value: "THIS_YEAR" },
            { label: new Date().getFullYear()-1, value: "LAST_YEAR" },
            { label: new Date().getFullYear()-2, value: "LAST_N_YEARS:2" },


    @wire(getOutgoings, {recordId:'$recordId', dateValue:'$dateValue'})
    getOutgoings({error, data}) {

        if (error) {
            this.error = error;
            console.log('error => ' + JSON.stringify(error));
        } else if (data) {
            let chartData =[];
            data.forEach(og => {
                let dataline = {};
                dataline.chartData = og.allTotal;
                dataline.bodyCorps = og.bcTotal;
                dataline.councilData = og.crTotal;
                dataline.waterData = og.wrTotal;
                dataline.maintenanceData = og.mcTotal;
                dataline.landTaxData = og.ltTotal;
                dataline.esmData = og.esmTotal;
            this.data = chartData;
            this.error = undefined;
            console.log('BodyCorps => ', chartData);
               console.log('data => ', data);
handleChange(event) {
    this.dateValue = event.detail.value;

APEX Class:

public with sharing class PropertyCostReportController {
    String recordId {get;set;}
    Date dateValue {get;set;}
    public static List<OutgoingsWrapper> getAllOutgoings(String recordId, Date dateValue){
        List<OutgoingsWrapper> outgoingsWrapperList = new List<OutgoingsWrapper>();
        List<AggregateResult> bcList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total 
        FROM Body_Corporate__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];

        List<AggregateResult> ltList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total 
        FROM Land_Tax__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId  AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];

        List<AggregateResult> crList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total 
        FROM Council_Rates__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId  AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];

        List<AggregateResult> wrList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total 
        FROM Water_rates__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId  AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];

        List<AggregateResult> mcList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total 
        FROM Maintenance_Costs__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId  AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];

        List<AggregateResult> esmList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total 
        FROM ESM__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId  AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];

        for(AggregateResult bc : bcList)
        for(AggregateResult cr : crList)
        for(AggregateResult wr : wrList)
        for(AggregateResult lt : ltList)
        for(AggregateResult mc : mcList)
        for(AggregateResult esm : esmList){
                OutgoingsWrapper ogWrapper = new OutgoingsWrapper();
                ogWrapper.bcTotal = (Decimal)bc.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)bc.get('total');
                ogWrapper.crTotal = (Decimal)cr.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)cr.get('total');
                ogWrapper.wrTotal = (Decimal)wr.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)wr.get('total');
                ogWrapper.mcTotal = (Decimal)mc.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)mc.get('total');
                ogWrapper.esmTotal = (Decimal)esm.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)esm.get('total');
                ogWrapper.ltTotal = (Decimal)lt.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)lt.get('total');
                ogWrapper.allTotal = ogWrapper.ltTotal+ogWrapper.bcTotal+ogWrapper.crTotal+ogWrapper.wrTotal+ogWrapper.mcTotal+ogWrapper.esmTotal;
        return outgoingsWrapperList;
    // wrapper class with @AuraEnabled and {get;set;} properties 
    public class OutgoingsWrapper{
        public Decimal bcTotal{get;set;}
        public Decimal crTotal{get;set;}
        public Decimal wrTotal{get;set;}
        public Decimal mcTotal{get;set;}
        public Decimal ltTotal{get;set;}
        public Decimal esmTotal{get;set;}
        public Decimal allTotal{get;set;}


I've tried a few different things:

  • input date which works fine
  • just a string like '2022-12-31' which again brings the data.
  • If I hard code 'THIS_YEAR' or 'LAST_YEAR' in the SOQL it works fine.
  • changing the dateValue from a 'Date' to a 'String' which didn't work. (I was under the impression after reading on another post that a date literal was type 'Date' and not a string)

in console I'm getting '"message":"Value provided is invalid for action parameter 'dateValue' of type 'Date'"}'

What I'm really trying to achieve is a picklist of years like 2022,2021,2020 which this brings all the totals with the 'Period End date' in that year.

enter image description here

In this screen grab the selected value is 'THIS_YEAR'

enter image description here

In this screen grab the selected value is '2022-12-31' which brings through the data.

Any insight would be fantastic, Thank you.

1 Answer 1


That's an odd limitation, but it makes sense; the compiler is compiling the query before runtime, so it can only verify bind parameters that are of a compatible type. To fix this, you'll need to use the Dynamic SOQL version of this code instead:

 AggregateResult[] bc = Database.query('SELECT sum(Amount__c) total FROM Land_Tax__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId  AND Period_End__c = '+dateValue];

Of course, this is insecure, so make sure your date values are sanitized with String.escapeSinqleQuote.

  • Thank you very much @sfdcfox I added the dynamic versions and its now working as expected! Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 10:21

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