Hi I'm needing help working with sending date literals from a wire method to my controller. LWC JS:
import {LightningElement, wire, track,api} from 'lwc';
import getOutgoings from '@salesforce/apex/PropertyCostReportController.getAllOutgoings';
export default class propertyOutgoingsChartLWC extends LightningElement {
@api recordId;
chartjsInitialized = false;
get options() {
return [
{ label: new Date().getFullYear(), value: "THIS_YEAR" },
{ label: new Date().getFullYear()-1, value: "LAST_YEAR" },
{ label: new Date().getFullYear()-2, value: "LAST_N_YEARS:2" },
@wire(getOutgoings, {recordId:'$recordId', dateValue:'$dateValue'})
getOutgoings({error, data}) {
if (error) {
this.error = error;
console.log('error => ' + JSON.stringify(error));
} else if (data) {
let chartData =[];
data.forEach(og => {
let dataline = {};
dataline.chartData = og.allTotal;
dataline.bodyCorps = og.bcTotal;
dataline.councilData = og.crTotal;
dataline.waterData = og.wrTotal;
dataline.maintenanceData = og.mcTotal;
dataline.landTaxData = og.ltTotal;
dataline.esmData = og.esmTotal;
this.data = chartData;
this.error = undefined;
console.log('BodyCorps => ', chartData);
console.log('data => ', data);
handleChange(event) {
this.dateValue = event.detail.value;
APEX Class:
public with sharing class PropertyCostReportController {
String recordId {get;set;}
Date dateValue {get;set;}
public static List<OutgoingsWrapper> getAllOutgoings(String recordId, Date dateValue){
List<OutgoingsWrapper> outgoingsWrapperList = new List<OutgoingsWrapper>();
List<AggregateResult> bcList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total
FROM Body_Corporate__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];
List<AggregateResult> ltList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total
FROM Land_Tax__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];
List<AggregateResult> crList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total
FROM Council_Rates__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];
List<AggregateResult> wrList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total
FROM Water_rates__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];
List<AggregateResult> mcList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total
FROM Maintenance_Costs__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];
List<AggregateResult> esmList = [SELECT sum(Amount__c) total
FROM ESM__c WHERE Property__c =:recordId AND Period_End__c =:dateValue];
for(AggregateResult bc : bcList)
for(AggregateResult cr : crList)
for(AggregateResult wr : wrList)
for(AggregateResult lt : ltList)
for(AggregateResult mc : mcList)
for(AggregateResult esm : esmList){
OutgoingsWrapper ogWrapper = new OutgoingsWrapper();
ogWrapper.bcTotal = (Decimal)bc.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)bc.get('total');
ogWrapper.crTotal = (Decimal)cr.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)cr.get('total');
ogWrapper.wrTotal = (Decimal)wr.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)wr.get('total');
ogWrapper.mcTotal = (Decimal)mc.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)mc.get('total');
ogWrapper.esmTotal = (Decimal)esm.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)esm.get('total');
ogWrapper.ltTotal = (Decimal)lt.get('total')==null?0:(decimal)lt.get('total');
ogWrapper.allTotal = ogWrapper.ltTotal+ogWrapper.bcTotal+ogWrapper.crTotal+ogWrapper.wrTotal+ogWrapper.mcTotal+ogWrapper.esmTotal;
return outgoingsWrapperList;
// wrapper class with @AuraEnabled and {get;set;} properties
public class OutgoingsWrapper{
public Decimal bcTotal{get;set;}
public Decimal crTotal{get;set;}
public Decimal wrTotal{get;set;}
public Decimal mcTotal{get;set;}
public Decimal ltTotal{get;set;}
public Decimal esmTotal{get;set;}
public Decimal allTotal{get;set;}
I've tried a few different things:
- input date which works fine
- just a string like '2022-12-31' which again brings the data.
- If I hard code 'THIS_YEAR' or 'LAST_YEAR' in the SOQL it works fine.
- changing the dateValue from a 'Date' to a 'String' which didn't work. (I was under the impression after reading on another post that a date literal was type 'Date' and not a string)
in console I'm getting '"message":"Value provided is invalid for action parameter 'dateValue' of type 'Date'"}'
What I'm really trying to achieve is a picklist of years like 2022,2021,2020 which this brings all the totals with the 'Period End date' in that year.
In this screen grab the selected value is 'THIS_YEAR'
In this screen grab the selected value is '2022-12-31' which brings through the data.
Any insight would be fantastic, Thank you.