I am trying to use the existing LWC with some modifications to get records on the basis of RecordType.Id but it's throwing an error instead. System.QueryException: expecting a right parentheses, found 'Y000000Wl0yQAC'.
tring searchKeyword = searchTerm + '*';
String returningQuery = '';
returningQuery = objectName+' ( Id, '+String.join(fields,',')+' WHERE RecordType.Id = '+recordTypeId+' )';
String query = 'FIND :searchKeyword IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING '+returningQuery+' LIMIT 20';
The resultant String query is FIND :searchKeyword IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account ( Id, Rating,AccountNumber,Name WHERE RecordType.Id = 0120Y000000Wl0yQAC ) LIMIT 20
How to fix this??