We have the following SOSL query to find financial transactions:
List> searchList = [FIND :searchTerm IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Financial_Transactions__c (Financial_Account__r.Nickname__c, Financial_Account__r.Name, Transaction_Date__c, Merchant_Name__c,Original_Description__c, Date__c,Security_Symbol__c,Category__c,Transaction_Type__c,Quantity__c,Price__c,Amount__c where (Financial_Account__c=:mappingOfValues.get('id') and Financial_Account__r.Status__c NOT IN ('Pending Delete') and Date__c>=:fromDate and Date__c <=:toDate) ORDER BY Date__c DESC LIMIT 500 OFFSET :offSetCalc)];
It would return amounts of $233, $2343, $5656 for respective records. When I search for any of the amounts nothing gets returned. And I did specify IN ALL FIELDS in my SOQL query so it should be returning those records.
Is it because SOSL does not search on numeric fields?What would be a way to solve this?