I was trying to make a Chatter Post from a Flow.
I have a ScreenFlow in order to get the richtext from the user, I save it in a variable and try to convert it in a Chatter Post via ConnectApiHelper
However, the inputrichtext makes servlet images like this:
And ConnectApiHelper
only accetps ContentDocument
Objects and not ContentReference
The entire solutions looks like this for now:
Invocable Method:
global without sharing class PostRichChatter {
global static List <Results> post (List<Requests> requestList) {
System.debug('entering PostRichChatter');
String body = requestList[0].body;
String targetNameOrId = requestList[0].targetNameOrId;
String communityId = requestList[0].communityId;
System.debug ('here are the values flow has passed');
System.debug (requestList[0]);
//System.debug ('targetNameOrId is: ' + targetNameOrId);
//System.debug ('targetType is: ' + targetType);
System.debug ('communityId is: ' + communityId);
if (communityId == null)
communityId = Network.getNetworkId();
//check to see if the targetNameOrId matches a Group Name or a Username
List<Group> targetGroup = [SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE Name =:targetNameOrId];
System.debug('targetGroup is: ' + targetGroup);
if (targetGroup.size() == 1) {
targetNameOrId = targetGroup[0].Id;
} else {
System.debug('targetNameOrId is: ' + targetNameOrId );
List<User> targetUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE username =:targetNameOrId];
System.debug('targetUser is: ' + targetUser);
if (targetUser.size() == 1){
targetNameOrId = targetUser[0].Id;
//several things that Flow rich text supports, like color and font size, are represented by span tags. chatter doesn't support, so need to strip them out
Pattern MyPattern = Pattern.compile('<\\/?span[^>]*>');
Matcher MyMatcher = MyPattern.matcher(body);
body = MyMatcher.replaceAll('');
//mgarcia-> br from rich text in the other package are not supported, so i filtered here
String br = '<br>';
String newLineJump = '<p></p>';
body = body.replaceAll(br, newLineJump);
System.debug ('body after br replacement is: ' + body);
//chatter's support for hyperlinks is unconventional and I haven't figured out how to convert a normal anchor link (<a href="http://www.salesforce.com" target="_blank">link</a>) into the chatter equivalent
//so this hack puts the url into a parentheses next to the link word. anyone who has a better approach is encouraged.
//extract the url
//find all strings that start with <a and end with > i.e.extract url from an anchor tag
//extract the text
//craft a replacement string
String anchorPattern = '(<a href="([^"]+)" target="_blank">([^<]+)<\\/a>)';
MyPattern = Pattern.compile(anchorPattern);
MyMatcher = MyPattern.matcher(body);
body = MyMatcher.replaceAll('$3 ($2) ');
System.debug ('body after replacement is: ' + body);
//also have to strip out indent markup:
//Here's some indented stuff:</p><p class="ql-indent-2">I'm indented</p><p>
String indentedClassPattern = ' class="ql-indent-[1-4]"';
MyPattern = Pattern.compile(indentedClassPattern);
MyMatcher = MyPattern.matcher(body);
body = MyMatcher.replaceAll('');
System.debug ('body after replacement is: ' + body);
//image links work fine, but we'll do a little reformatting to remove the html
String imagePattern = '<img src="([^"]+)">';
MyPattern = Pattern.compile(imagePattern);
MyMatcher = MyPattern.matcher(body);
body = MyMatcher.replaceAll('image: $1');
System.debug ('body after replacement is: ' + body);
//Final process to convert the body into ConnectApi into a matchRichText with IDS
String pStart = '<p>';
String pEnd = '</p>';
String imageDetector = 'image: https';
String idDetector = 'refid=';
Pattern pPattern = Pattern.compile('<\\/?p[^>]*>');
Matcher pMatcher = pPattern.matcher(body);
List<String> paragraphs = new List<String>();
paragraphs = body.split('<\\/?p[^>]*>');
if(paragraphs.size() > 0)
for (String paraf : paragraphs)
List<String> imagesDetected = new List<String>();
imagesDetected = paraf.split(imageDetector);
if(imagesDetected.size() > 0)
for (String imageRef : imagesDetected)
String testImg = imageRef.substringAfter(idDetector);
if(testImg != null && testImg != '')
Id imageToInsert = imageRef.substringAfter(idDetector);
body = body.replace(imageDetector + imageRef, ' {img:' + imageToInsert + ':The image is not load correctly.} ');
body = body.replaceAll(pStart, '');
body = body.replaceAll(pEnd, '\n');
System.debug('FINAL BODY');
//ConnectApi.FeedItem fi = (ConnectApi.FeedItem) ConnectApiHelper.postFeedItemWithMentions(Network.getNetworkId(), 'me', 'Hey there {005D00000015tjz}, how are you?');
ConnectApi.FeedItem feedItem = (ConnectApi.FeedItem) ConnectApiHelper.postFeedItemWithRichText(communityId, targetNameOrId, body);
//Create a Results object to hold the return values
Results response = new Results();
//add the return values to the Results object
response.feedItemId = feedItem.id;
//Wrap the Results object in a List container (an extra step added to allow this interface to also support bulkification)
List<Results> responseWrapper= new List<Results>();
return responseWrapper;
global without sharing class Requests {
public String body;
@InvocableVariable(required=true description='Reference to the user, Chatter group, or record whose feed you want to post to.')
public String targetNameOrId;
// @InvocableVariable(required=false)
// public String targetType;
public String communityId;
global without sharing class Results {
public String feedItemId;
ConnectApiHelper in case you want to check:
* Helper class that makes it easier to do common operations with the classes in the ConnectApi namespace.
* Includes convenience methods to:
* - Post Chatter @-mentions, rich text, and inline images with Apex code.
* - Take a feed item or comment body and return an input body that matches it.
* This is useful for when you retrieve a feed item or comment and want to either
* re-post or edit it.
* This class works with API version 43.0 and later. There are separate classes
* that work with v42.0 and earlier.
* See https://github.com/forcedotcom/ConnectApiHelper for more information.
global without sharing class ConnectApiHelper {
public class InvalidParameterException extends Exception {}
private static final Map<String, ConnectApi.MarkupType> supportedMarkup = new Map<String, ConnectApi.MarkupType> {
'b' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.Bold,
'code' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.Code,
'i' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.Italic,
'li' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.ListItem,
'ol' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.OrderedList,
'p' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.Paragraph,
's' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.Strikethrough,
'u' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.Underline,
'ul' => ConnectApi.MarkupType.UnorderedList
* Posts a feed item with @-mentions using an @-mention formatting syntax.
* @param communityId Use either the ID of a community, 'internal', or null.
* @param subjectId The parent of the post. Can be a user ID, a group ID, or a record ID.
* @param textWithMentions The text of the post. You can @-mention a user or group by using
* the syntax {ID}, for example: 'Hello {005x0000000URNP}, have you
* seen the group {0F9x00000000D7m}?' Links and hashtags will be
* automatically parsed if provided.
* @return The posted feed item.
public static ConnectApi.FeedElement postFeedItemWithMentions(String communityId, String subjectId, String textWithMentions) {
return postFeedItemWithSpecialFormatting(communityId, subjectId, textWithMentions, 'textWithMentions');
* Posts a feed item with rich text using HTML tags and inline image formatting syntax.
* @param communityId Use either the ID of a community, 'internal', or null.
* @param subjectId The parent of the post. Can be a user ID, a group ID, or a record ID.
* @param textWithMentionsAndRichText The text of the post. You can @-mention a
* user or group by using the syntax {ID}, for example:
* 'Hello {005x0000000URNP}, have you seen the group {0F9x00000000D7m}?'
* You can include rich text by using supported HTML tags:
* <b>, <i>, <u>, <s>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <p>, <code>.
* You can include an inline image by using the syntax {img:ID} or
* {img:ID:alt text}, for example: 'Have you seen this gorgeous view?
* {img:069x00000000D7m:View of the Space Needle from our office.}?'
* Links and hashtags will be automatically parsed if provided.
* @return The posted feed item.
public static ConnectApi.FeedElement postFeedItemWithRichText(String communityId, String subjectId, String textWithMentionsAndRichText) {
return postFeedItemWithSpecialFormatting(communityId, subjectId, textWithMentionsAndRichText, 'textWithMentionsAndRichText');
private static ConnectApi.FeedElement postFeedItemWithSpecialFormatting(String communityId, String subjectId, String formattedText, String textParameterName) {
if (formattedText == null || formattedText.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new InvalidParameterException('The ' + textParameterName + ' parameter must be non-empty.');
ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput messageInput = new ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput();
messageInput.messageSegments = getMessageSegmentInputs(formattedText);
ConnectApi.FeedItemInput input = new ConnectApi.FeedItemInput();
input.body = messageInput;
input.subjectId = subjectId;
return ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.postFeedElement(communityId, input);
* Posts a comment with @-mentions using an @-mention formatting syntax.
* @param communityId Use either the ID of a community, 'internal', or null.
* @param feedItemId The ID of the feed item being commented on.
* @param textWithMentions The text of the comment. You can @-mention a user or group by using
* the syntax {ID}, for example: 'Hello {005x0000000URNP}, have you
* seen the group {0F9x00000000D7m}?' Links and hashtags will be
* automatically parsed if provided.
* @return The posted comment.
public static ConnectApi.Comment postCommentWithMentions(String communityId, String feedItemId, String textWithMentions) {
if (textWithMentions == null || textWithMentions.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new InvalidParameterException('The textWithMentions parameter must be non-empty.');
ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput messageInput = new ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput();
messageInput.messageSegments = getMessageSegmentInputs(textWithMentions);
ConnectApi.CommentInput input = new ConnectApi.CommentInput();
input.body = messageInput;
return ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.postCommentToFeedElement(communityId, feedItemId, input, null);
public static List<ConnectApi.MessageSegmentInput> getMessageSegmentInputs(String inputText) {
if (inputText == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException('The inputText parameter cannot be null.');
List<ConnectApi.MessageSegmentInput> messageSegmentInputs = new List<ConnectApi.MessageSegmentInput>();
Integer strPos = 0;
// The pattern for matching mentions, markup begin/end tags, and inline images.
// The first group matches a 15 or 18 character ID surrounded by {}:
// (\\{[a-zA-Z0-9]{15}\\}|\\{[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}\\})
// The second/third groups match beginning/ending HTML tags: (<[a-zA-Z]*>)|(</[a-zA-Z]*>)
// The fourth group matches a 15 or 18 character content document ID preceded by "img:",
// optionally followed by a string (not containing '}'), and surrounded by {}:
// (\\{img:(069[a-zA-Z0-9]{12,15})(:[\\s\\S]*?)?\\})
// The fifth group matches a 15 or 18 character record ID preceded by "record:" ex:{record:01t3E000002GCm9QAG}
Pattern globalPattern = Pattern.compile('(\\{[a-zA-Z0-9]{15}\\}|\\{[a-zA-Z0-9]{18}\\})|(<[a-zA-Z]*>)|(<\\/[a-zA-Z]*>)|(\\{img:(069[a-zA-Z0-9]{12,15})(:[\\s\\S]*?)?\\})|(\\{record:([a-zA-Z0-9]){15,18}(:[\\s\\S]*?)?\\})');
Matcher globalMatcher = globalPattern.matcher(inputText);
while (globalMatcher.find()) {
String textSegment = inputText.substring(strPos, globalMatcher.start());
String matchingText = globalMatcher.group();
if (matchingText.startsWith('{')) {
// Add a segment for any accumulated text (which includes unsupported HTML tags).
addTextSegment(messageSegmentInputs, textSegment);
// Strip off the { and }.
String innerMatchedText = matchingText.substring(1, matchingText.length() - 1);
if (innerMatchedText.startsWith('img:')) {
// This is an inline image.
String[] imageInfo = innerMatchedText.split(':', 3);
String altText = imageInfo.size() == 3 ? imageInfo[2] : null;
ConnectApi.InlineImageSegmentInput inlineImageSegmentInput = makeInlineImageSegmentInput(imageInfo[1], altText);
strPos = globalMatcher.end();
else if (innerMatchedText.startsWith('record:')) {
// Inline record
String[] recordInfo = innerMatchedText.split(':');
ConnectApi.EntityLinkSegmentInput entityLinkSegmentInput = makeEntityLinkSegmentInput(recordInfo[1]);
strPos = globalMatcher.end();
else {
// This is a mention id.
ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput mentionSegmentInput = makeMentionSegmentInput(innerMatchedText);
strPos = globalMatcher.end();
else {
// This is an HTML tag.
boolean isBeginTag = !matchingText.startsWith('</');
if (isBeginTag) {
// Strip off the < and >.
String tag = matchingText.substring(1, matchingText.indexOf('>'));
if (supportedMarkup.containsKey(tag.toLowerCase())) {
// Add a segment for any accumulated text (which includes unsupported HTML tags).
addTextSegment(messageSegmentInputs, textSegment);
ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegmentInput markupBeginSegmentInput = makeMarkupBeginSegmentInput(tag);
strPos = globalMatcher.end();
else { // This is an end tag.
// Strip off the </ and >.
String tag = matchingText.substring(2, matchingText.indexOf('>'));
if (supportedMarkup.containsKey(tag.toLowerCase())) {
// Add a segment for any accumulated text (which includes unsupported HTML tags).
addTextSegment(messageSegmentInputs, textSegment);
ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegmentInput markupEndSegmentInput = makeMarkupEndSegmentInput(tag);
strPos = globalMatcher.end();
// Take care of any text that comes after the last match.
if (strPos < inputText.length()) {
String trailingText = inputText.substring(strPos, inputText.length());
addTextSegment(messageSegmentInputs, trailingText);
return messageSegmentInputs;
private static void addTextSegment(List<ConnectApi.MessageSegmentInput> messageSegmentInputs, String text) {
if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {
ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput textSegmentInput = makeTextSegmentInput(text);
private static ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput makeTextSegmentInput(String text) {
ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput textSegment = new ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput();
textSegment.text = text;
return textSegment;
private static ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput makeMentionSegmentInput(String mentionId) {
ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput mentionSegment = new ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput();
mentionSegment.id = mentionId;
return mentionSegment;
// Create entity link segment input using record ID
// In the chatter post, it will display the Name of the record, with a hyperlink to view the record
private static ConnectApi.EntityLinkSegmentInput makeEntityLinkSegmentInput(String recordId) {
ConnectApi.EntityLinkSegmentInput entityLinkSegment = new ConnectApi.EntityLinkSegmentInput();
entityLinkSegment.entityId = recordId;
return entityLinkSegment;
* Create a MarkupBeginSegmentInput corresponding to the tag. Checking whether the tag is
* supported markup should happen before calling this method.
private static ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegmentInput makeMarkupBeginSegmentInput(String tag) {
ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegmentInput markupBeginSegment = new ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegmentInput();
markupBeginSegment.markupType = supportedMarkup.get(tag.toLowerCase());
return markupBeginSegment;
* Create a MarkupEndSegmentInput corresponding to the tag. Checking whether the tag is
* supported markup should happen before calling this method.
private static ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegmentInput makeMarkupEndSegmentInput(String tag) {
ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegmentInput markupEndSegment = new ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegmentInput();
markupEndSegment.markupType = supportedMarkup.get(tag.toLowerCase());
return markupEndSegment;
private static ConnectApi.InlineImageSegmentInput makeInlineImageSegmentInput(String fileId, String altText) {
ConnectApi.InlineImageSegmentInput inlineImageSegment = new ConnectApi.InlineImageSegmentInput();
inlineImageSegment.fileId = fileId;
if (String.isNotBlank(altText)) {
inlineImageSegment.altText = altText;
return inlineImageSegment;
* Takes an output feed body and returns a message body input that matches it.
* This is useful for when you retrieve a feed item or comment and want to either re-post or edit it.
public static ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput createInputFromBody(ConnectApi.FeedBody body) {
ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput input = new ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput();
input.messageSegments = new List<ConnectApi.MessageSegmentInput>();
// Identify newline and replace it with encoded values that MessageSegment will handle correctly.
String newline = EncodingUtil.urlDecode('%0A', 'UTF-8');
for (ConnectApi.MessageSegment segment : body.messageSegments) {
if (segment instanceof ConnectApi.TextSegment) {
ConnectApi.TextSegment textOutput = (ConnectApi.TextSegment) segment;
if (textOutput.text.indexOf(newline) > -1) {
// If newline is found, create multiple message segments instead of just a textSegment.
List<ConnectApi.MessageSegmentInput> newSegments =
.replaceAll(newline + newline, '<p> </p>')
.replaceAll(newline, '<p></p>'));
else {
ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput textInput = new ConnectApi.TextSegmentInput();
textInput.text = textOutput.text;
else if (segment instanceof ConnectApi.MentionSegment) {
ConnectApi.MentionSegment mentionOutput = (ConnectApi.MentionSegment) segment;
ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput mentionInput = new ConnectApi.MentionSegmentInput();
mentionInput.id = mentionOutput.record.id;
else if (segment instanceof ConnectApi.HashtagSegment) {
ConnectApi.HashtagSegment hashtagOutput = (ConnectApi.HashtagSegment) segment;
ConnectApi.HashtagSegmentInput hashtagInput = new ConnectApi.HashtagSegmentInput();
hashtagInput.tag = hashtagOutput.tag;
else if (segment instanceof ConnectApi.LinkSegment) {
ConnectApi.LinkSegment linkOutput = (ConnectApi.LinkSegment) segment;
ConnectApi.LinkSegmentInput linkInput = new ConnectApi.LinkSegmentInput();
linkInput.url = linkOutput.url;
else if (segment instanceof ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegment) {
ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegment markupBeginOutput = (ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegment) segment;
ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegmentInput markupBeginInput = new ConnectApi.MarkupBeginSegmentInput();
markupBeginInput.markupType = markupBeginOutput.markupType;
else if (segment instanceof ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegment) {
ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegment markupEndOutput = (ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegment) segment;
ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegmentInput markupEndInput = new ConnectApi.MarkupEndSegmentInput();
markupEndInput.markupType = markupEndOutput.markupType;
else if (segment instanceof ConnectApi.InlineImageSegment) {
ConnectApi.InlineImageSegment inlineImageOutput = (ConnectApi.InlineImageSegment) segment;
ConnectApi.InlineImageSegmentInput inlineImageInput = new ConnectApi.InlineImageSegmentInput();
inlineImageInput.fileId = inlineImageOutput.thumbnails.fileId;
inlineImageInput.altText = inlineImageOutput.altText;
else {
// The other segment types are system-generated and have no corresponding input types.
return input;
* Takes an output body and returns a feed item input body that matches it.
* This is useful for when you retrieve a feed item and want to either re-post or edit it.
public static ConnectApi.FeedItemInput createFeedItemInputFromBody(ConnectApi.FeedBody body) {
ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput bodyInput = createInputFromBody(body);
ConnectApi.FeedItemInput input = new ConnectApi.FeedItemInput();
input.body = bodyInput;
return input;
* Takes an output body and returns a comment input body that matches it.
* This is useful for when you retrieve a comment and want to either re-post or edit it.
public static ConnectApi.CommentInput createCommentInputFromBody(ConnectApi.FeedBody body) {
ConnectApi.MessageBodyInput bodyInput = createInputFromBody(body);
ConnectApi.CommentInput input = new ConnectApi.CommentInput();
input.body = bodyInput;
return input;
Any thoughts?