My Queueable Apex class worked fine before but after discovering Apex PMD ruleset, found that using >4 parameters in any method or constructor is not best practice. I tried searching up answers where one advice is to pass an entire record. However that approach doesn't work for me as I have more than one object I need to pass into the parameter.
I also tried reading the Q&A to this but the examples given in the solutions are un-readable to me.
I'm still quite new to Wrapper classes so please example as simple as you can. I tried my best to write a simple use case of wrapper class example below:
public class UpdateOpportunityToClosedWonQueueable implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts {
private Set<Id> opptyIdSet {get; set;} //first time set be processed or retry list to be processed
private Set<Id> remainingIdSet = new Set<Id>();
private Set<Id> opptySendToExternalIdSet = new Set<Id>();
private Integer retryAttempt; // count of retry attempts
Credentials__c apiCredentials = new Credentials__c ();
private String countryCode {get;set;}
public UpdateOpportunityToClosedWonQueueable(RetryParamWrapper retryParams){
this.opptyIdSet = retryParams.opptyIdSet;
this.remainingIdSet = retryParams.remainingIdSet;
this.opptySendToExternalIdSet = retryParams.opptySendToExternalIdSet;
this.retryAttempt = retryParams.retryAttempt;
this.apiCredentials = retryParams.apiCredentials;
this.countryCode = retryParams.countryCode;
public void execute(QueueableContext context){
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
//System.enqueueJob(new UpdateOpportunityToClosedWonQueueable(new RetryParamWrapper{
// retryParams.opptyIdSet,retryParams.sfiOpptyIdSet,retryParams.retryAttempt.apiCredentials,retryParams.countryCode}));
public Class RetryParamWrapper{
public Set<Id> opptyIdSet;
public Set<Id> remainingIdSet;
public Set<Id> opptySendToExternalIdSet;
public Integer retryAttempt;
public Credentials__c apiCredentials;
public String countryCode;
- Is the Wrapper class in the constructor that I wrote called correctly?
- How do I call the constructor method on the enqueueJob? or how do I call the constructor in general? (Commented out in the code)