I have a custom label in salesforce where I have given 'This will delete the file FILENAME' In js I'm replacing FILENAME with actual file name

var updatedlabel = this.label.DeleteFileConfirmation.replace("FILENAME", fileName);

I tried using <strong> and <b> with filename. But or are getting displayed as a string along with filename instead of making it bold. Even <b>${fileName}</b> didn't work Anybody has any idea? js:

   handleRowAction(event) {
        let actionName = event.detail.action.name; 
        let record_name = event.detail.row.name;

        switch (actionName) {
            case 'Preview':  
               //do something            

            case 'Download':     
                //do something   
            case 'Remove':

    removeFile(fileName) {
            var updatedlabel = this.label.DeleteConfirmation.replace("FILENAME","<strong>"+ fileName+"</strong>");
            this.message = updatedlabel.split("<br/><br/>")[0];
            this.newLineMessage = updatedlabel.split("<br/><br/>")[1];
            this.showConfirmDialog = true;

I cant make this bold in html as its taken from custom label custom label

        <value>This will delete the file FILENAME.</value>

Thanks in advance

  • You need to use lightning-formatted-text in the HTML template in order to display that. Whats there at HTML side? Commented Jun 7, 2021 at 9:12
  • html: <c-apo-modal title={label.Confirmation} title-alignment="left" open={showConfirmDialog} onclose={handleConfirmDialogNo} onconfirm={handleConfirmDialogYes} variant="success" region-right-left-button={label.No} region-right-right-button={label.Yes}> <div class="slds-m-left--large slds-m-bottom--x-large">{message}</div> <div class="slds-m-left--large slds-m-bottom--medium">{newLineMessage}</div> </c-apo-modal>
    – userName
    Commented Jun 7, 2021 at 9:34

1 Answer 1


Use lightning-formatted-rich-text to display the newLineMessage.

<lightning-formatted-rich-text value={newLineMessage}>

It supports strong and many other HTML tags. you can check them all here Supported HTML Tags and attributes

  • That worked! Thanks
    – userName
    Commented Jun 7, 2021 at 10:45

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