In the js
class, I call the apex
method, which should return me a string, but I end up with an empty value. But the apex
class works fine and gets my value from the database, which I try to return to js
as a string (I make a log of this operation and see that my code exactly fills the string with the value I need). What's wrong?
public static String getCityCurrentUser() {
if (!Schema.sObjectType.User.fields.City.isUpdateable()) {
return null;
} else {
List<User> currentUser = [SELECT City FROM User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
String cityUser;
for (User u : currentUser) {
cityUser = u.City;
System.debug('currentCity ' + cityUser);
return cityUser;
This is a log entry: USER_DEBUG [98]|DEBUG|currentCity Mogilev
connectedCallback() {
let userCity = getCityCurrentUser();
console.log('userCity: ' + getCityCurrentUser());
performCallout({location: 'Minsk' }).then(data => {
this.mapMarkers = [{
location: {
Latitude: data['cityLat'],
Longitude: data['cityLon']
title: data['cityName'],
this.result = data;
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
This is a log entry: userCity: [object Promise]
This is a log entry (JSON.stringify): userCity: {}