I'm trying to capture input from the user on a visualforce page, but on save the value of the property (myLoanWrap.Amoritization) does not reflect the input value the user enters on the UI, what am I missing? Here's the code:
Input binds to myLoanWrap.Amoritization
VF Page
<div class="slds-col--padded slds-size--1-of-2">
<!-- Amoritization -->
<div class="slds-form-element">
<label class="slds-form-element__label" for="text-amortization">Amoritization (months)</label>
<div class="slds-form-element__control">
<apex:inputText id="input-amortization" styleClass="slds-input" value="{!myLoanWrap.Amoritization}"/>
<!-- <input id="input-amortization" class="slds-input" type="number" value="{!myLoanWrap.Amoritization}" /> -->
Save Button
<apex:define name="right">
<!-- Save & Continue Button -->
<apex:commandButton id="saveButton" styleClass="slds-button slds-button--neutral"
action="{!savePaymentDetails}" value="Save & Continue" />
Controller - cm_PaymentInfoRouteController
public cm_LoanModel myLoanWrap {get;set;}
public cm_PaymentInfoRouteController() {
//Show loading spinner as the page loads its content
loadingSpinnerIsActive = true;
//Get current record id
this.loanId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getparameters().get('id');
//Check if test class is running
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
//Hide loading spinner
loadingSpinnerIsActive = false;
private void getLoanDetail() {
//Get loan payment attributes
myLoanWrap = new cm_LoanModel(loanId);
//Render the fixed or variable rate component based on selected rate type
public PageReference savePaymentDetails() {
system.debug('xxxxx: Save button was clicked!');
system.debug('save --- amortization: ' + myLoanWrap.Amoritization);
system.debug('save --- pay frequency: ' + myLoanWrap.PaymentFrequency);
//Update loan record with payment summary details
return null;
public with sharing class cm_LoanModel {
//Loan Variable
private List<LLC_BI__Loan__c> loanDetail;
//Loan Attributes
public Decimal TotalFinancedAmount {get; set;}
public String TotalFinancedAmountFormatted {get; set;}
public Decimal Amoritization {get; set;}
public Decimal Term {get; set;}
public String PaymentFrequency {get; set;}
public String PaymentType {get; set;}
public String RateType {get; set;}
public Decimal QualifyingRate {get; set;}
public Decimal PostedBasisRate {get; set;}
public Decimal PostedBasisAdjustment {get; set;}
public Decimal NetRate {get; set;}
public String NetRateFormatted {get; set;}
public cm_LoanModel(String id) {
//Query Loan record
public void queryLoan (String loanID) {
loanDetail = [SELECT Name, cm_Total_Financed_Amount__c, LLC_BI__Amount__c, cm_Total_Financed_Charged_Fees__c, LLC_BI__Amortized_Term_Months__c,
LLC_BI__Payment_Schedule__c, LLC_BI__Payment_Type__c, LLC_BI__Pricing_Basis__c, LLC_BI__Rate_Discount__c, LLC_BI__InterestRate__c, LLC_BI__Term_Months__c
FROM LLC_BI__Loan__c
WHERE Id =: loanID LIMIT 1];
if(!loanDetail.isEmpty()) {
System.debug('xxxxxx Loan Detail: ' + loanDetail);
for(LLC_BI__Loan__c queriedLoan : loanDetail) {
//Set Loan Attributes
this.TotalFinancedAmount = queriedLoan.cm_Total_Financed_Amount__c;
this.TotalFinancedAmountFormatted = '$' + (TotalFinancedAmount.format().contains('.')?TotalFinancedAmount.format():(TotalFinancedAmount.format()+'.00'));
this.Amoritization = queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Amortized_Term_Months__c;
this.Term = queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Term_Months__c;
this.PaymentFrequency = queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Payment_Schedule__c;
this.PaymentType = queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Payment_Type__c;
this.RateType = (String)queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Pricing_Basis__c;
//this.QualifyingRate = 4.53;
//this.PostedBasisRate = queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Pricing_Basis__c;
this.PostedBasisAdjustment = queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Rate_Discount__c;
this.NetRate = queriedLoan.LLC_BI__InterestRate__c;
this.NetRateFormatted = (NetRate.format().contains('.')?NetRate.format():(NetRate.format()+'.00')) + '%';
else {
System.debug('ERROR: The loan record was not found! Loan ID: ' + loanID);
public void updateLoanPaymentDetails () {
try {
//Update the queried loan record
for(LLC_BI__Loan__c queriedLoan : loanDetail) {
queriedLoan.LLC_BI__Amortized_Term_Months__c = this.Amoritization;
update loanDetail;
catch(DmlException e) {
System.debug('Error in class cm_LoanModel.updateLoanPaymentDetails: ' + e.getMessage());
Moved the command button under the same apex form as the input element