Hi I have created a tab name "Test Client" on the Account Object, beside the previously present Details tab. So there are two tabs on the flexipage of the Account Object == "Details" and new made by me "Test Client".
As per the req i need my user on the click of the button should get navigated to the particular record on the Account page but instead of Detail page it should be directed on the "Test Client".
below is the code i tried, it is helping me to navigate to the detail tab page ,,,but not on the test client page kindly some one help me out
navigaToTestclienTabOnAccount(evt) {
type: 'standard__navItemPage',
attributes: {
recordId: this.acccountId,
objectApiName: 'Account',
actionName: 'view'
Kindly someone help me out...this one is for LWC. i am not using Aura