I need to display the data in the LWC from the dummy file i have created , but not sure how to fetch the values from the JSON file and display by JS and HTML file , kindly some one help me out for this.
Below is my Component Code: Dummy JSON file:
const testClient = (() => {
return {
title: 'testClient',
sections: [
sectionNum: 1,
columnWidths: [],
header: {
columns: [
colNum: 1,
label: 'CDY',
class: ''
colNum: 2,
label: 'LDY',
class: ''
colNum: 3,
label: 'Abbcgd',
colNum: 4,
label: 'Mgyh',
class: ''
colNum: 5,
label: 'Cty',
class: ''
colNum: 6,
label: 'S-Cty',
class: ''
colNum: 7,
label: 'Sty',
class: ''
class: ''
body: {
rows: [
rowNum: 1,
columns: [
colNum: 1,
label: 'Toad',
class: ''
colNum: 2,
label: 'Boat',
class: ''
colNum: 3,
label: 'hgydu',
class: ''
colNum: 4,
label: 'Nhugn',
class: ''
colNum: 5,
labe:'AcOpen' ,
class: ''
colNum: 6,
labe:'Ryh' ,
class: ''
colNum: 7,
labe:'Rtdgdd' ,
class: ''
class: ''
JS File :
import { LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
import testFileJSON from './testFileJSON.js';
export default class ccClass extends LightningElement {
@track terFileData;
HTML File:
Thanks if anyone can help me out for this...