Hi i have a dummy JSON data file which i need to use in the JS of my LWC file can someone help me out for this...no sure how to do it,,,kindly help me out
Below is the Code :
"copenStatus": [
"CDATE": "07/07/2020",
"LDATE": "07/09/2020",
"Acciuy #": "jngg",
"Myweyru": "hggfhfb",
"CDATE": "07/07/2020",
"LDATE": "07/09/2020",
"Acciuy #": "jngg",
"Myweyru": "hggfhfb",
"CDATE": "07/07/2020",
"LDATE": "07/09/2020",
"Acciuy #": "jngg",
"Myweyru": "hggfhfb",
JS :
import { LightningElement, track, api } from 'lwc';
export default class testjson extends LightningElement {
kindly help me out for this!!