In my Process Builder, on creation of my custom Object Bank__c record, I want to pass two parameters(Ids, objectApIName) to InvocableMethod in Apex class, so I added this to my code,
public static List<Id> idList = new List<Id>();
public class Request{
public List<Id> ids;
public String objectAPIName;
public static void mergeAccounts(Request[] requests) {
String objectAPIName; // Object API Name
for (Request mp : requests) {
objectAPIName = mp.objectAPIName;
But when I am trying to add "ids" variable with RecordId in Process Builder it is giving me this error "The input parameter "ids" can accept multiple values, so the assigned value must be a flow variable with the isCollection property set to true."
Is there any way I can pass the RecordId's into my Apex class just from PB instead of also using Flow. Let me know. Thank you!