I have the following situation/challenge: Custom field data from an external "Connected App" is transferred via Javascript to the account (custom fields) you came from before. This means that you have an AccountID that creates or enables the relationship. So far, it works perfectly.
But now we also have situations in which we don't have this account ID and therefore have to reference via a "identificationnumber", which is present in the connected app. This means that there is already a (custom) field "identificationnumber" in the account, too. The Connected App also sends (or has already sent) this "identificationnumber" to the account, so that a relationship could be established.
What would have to be done is, to provide this additional possibility in the Apex controller. If no account ID is available, then transfer the data to the correct account, that contains the "identificationnumber". I think, we would have to look for the account (ID), that contains the respective "identificationnumber" and then update the account as we do usually, right? How can I do this?
UPDATE: Here's the controller code, with SOQL statement, as David recommended, resulting in an error, when account Id is unknown. If account ID is known, update works!
"Update failed. First exception on row 0; first error: MISSING_ARGUMENT, Id not specified in an update call: []"
public BestClientController() {
global static String saveAccount(String sData) {
String sStatus = 'SUCCESS';
String sMessage = '';
try {
BestClient bc = (BestClient)JSON.deserialize(sData, BestClient.class);
Account acc = new Account(Id=bc.accountId);
if(bc.accountId != 'undefined' ){
acc = new Account(Id=bc.accountId);
else {
acc = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE bcsf__IdentificationNumber__c = :bc.identificationnumber];
acc.ArchiveId__c = bc.archiveId;
acc.IdentificationNumber__c = bc.identificationnumber;
acc.Foundation__c = bc.foundation;
update acc;
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.debug('BestClient.BestClientController.saveAccount: ' + ex);
sStatus = 'FAILED';
sMessage = ex.getMessage();
JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
gen.writeStringField('status', sStatus);
gen.writeStringField('message', sMessage);
return gen.getAsString();
public PageReference refresh() {
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,this.Message));
return null;
public class BestClient {
public String accountId;
public String identificationnumber;
public String archiveId;
public String foundation;