I have the below SSJS which gives the status of scheduling in automation. But it doesn't give the status of automation:
For example, if my automation errored, then am getting the status '6' which is scheduled instead of status '-1'. This status '6' is scheduled status of my automation .But i need the running status which is '-1' here.
Thanks for your help in advance!
<script runat="server">
var output = "";
var automationCustomerKey = "automationextrnalkey"
var rr = Platform.Function.CreateObject("RetrieveRequest");
Platform.Function.SetObjectProperty(rr, "ObjectType", "Automation");
Platform.Function.AddObjectArrayItem(rr, "Properties", "ProgramID");
Platform.Function.AddObjectArrayItem(rr, "Properties", "CustomerKey");
Platform.Function.AddObjectArrayItem(rr, "Properties", "Status");
var sfp = Platform.Function.CreateObject("SimpleFilterPart");
Platform.Function.SetObjectProperty(sfp, "Property", "CustomerKey");
Platform.Function.SetObjectProperty(sfp, "SimpleOperator", "equals");
Platform.Function.AddObjectArrayItem(sfp, "Value", automationCustomerKey);
Platform.Function.SetObjectProperty(rr, "Filter", sfp);
var retrieveStatus = [0,0,0];
var automationResultSet = Platform.Function.InvokeRetrieve(rr, retrieveStatus);
//output += "<br>automationResultSet: " + Stringify(automationResultSet);
var ObjectID = automationResultSet[0]["ObjectID"];
var Status = automationResultSet[0]["Status"];
if (ObjectID != "null") {
output += "<br>" + automationCustomerKey + " ObjectID : " + ObjectID;
output += "<br>" + automationCustomerKey + " Status: " + Status;
Code Status
-1 Error
0 BuildingError
1 Building
2 Ready
3 Running
4 Paused
5 Stopped
6 Scheduled
7 Awaiting Trigger
8 InactiveTrigger
} else {
output += "<br>" + automationCustomerKey + " not found";
Write("<br>" + output);