i just observed summer 19 release notes, and in my org critical updates area, we r using $A.createComponent()/ $A.createComponents()
in bunch of our custom lightning cmps's. still i am not under stand how this critical updates 'll effects of our orgs, can you please explain how it'll effects for below code snippet.
we r using simple like below:
opencustomcmpmodal: function(component,field1,field2,field3){
var attributes = {
'chldfield1': field1,
'chldfield2': field2,
'chldfield3': field3
["aura:html", {
"tag": "h2",
"body": 'Modal header',
"HTMLAttributes": {
"class": "slds-text-heading_medium slds-hyphenate"
function(components, status) {
if (status === "SUCCESS") {
modalheader = components[0];
modalBody = components[1];
var promiseaction = component.find('overlayLib').showCustomModal({
body: modalBody,
showCloseButton: true,
cssClass: "my-modal,my-custom-class,my-other-class"