Is it possible to query a 'where like' list of string with remote object? That is possible in Apex soql:

Set<String> LikeNameSet= new set<String>();
List <Contact> conList =  [select id, email from Contact where email like:LikeNameSet];

However I tried the analogy in vain using remote object:

<apex:remoteObjects >
    <apex:remoteObjectModel name="Contact" jsShorthand="conRemoteObj" fields="Id, Email"/>       
    var conObj = new SObjectModel.conRemoteObj();
    let likeEmailList = ['%test1','%test2%'];
    let criteria = {
        where: {     
            Email: {like: likeEmailList }     


    function callback(){    
        //do something here...    

the code above results in javascript alert error like:

> Error in Callback Contact Invalid criteria specified for
> retrieval. ValidationError [code=11, message=Data does not match any
> schemas from &quot;oneOf&quot;, path=/where, schemaKey=null]

I cannot find anything about this where-like syntax in documentation:


thanks in advance

2 Answers 2


I think you can add 'in' after the 'like' condition, try like this

instead of

   where: {     
                Email: {like: likeEmailList }     

try like this

   where: {     
                    Email: {like:{ in: likeEmailList} }     

if you are still facing any issue, the below method should work:

        Email: { like: "%test1" }, 
        Email: { like: '%test2%' }

Please check the below link to get more details of VF remote objects: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pages.meta/pages/pages_remote_objects_using_retrieve_query_object.htm

  • thy for your suggestions. Sadly none of them works. Especially the second one, the official documentation is very misleading. Since Javascript does not understand the same field applied multiple times in or:{...}. The code above will lead to the same error as I posted. Check here salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/45173/…
    – Leon
    Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 10:23
  • Okay, Have u tried like this : where: { or: { Email: { like: "%test1" }, or:{ Email: { like: '%test2%' } }, }, } Please let me know if this works Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 11:55

@Nishad, the following nested syntax works for me according to https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.pages.meta/pages/pages_remote_objects_using_retrieve_query_object.htm.

let criteria = {
    where: {
        Id: {in: ids},
            Email: {like: '%test1%'},
                    firstname: {eq: 'dummy'},
                    lastname: {eq: 'dummy'},
                Email: {like: '%test2%'} 

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