I have a library called Test, which has a folder in it called 123. The folder contains a single pdf file.
I'm able to successfully query that file using the following SOQL statement.
SELECT Id, Title, FileExtension FROM ContentFolderItem WHERE ParentContentFolderId IN (SELECT Id FROM ContentFolder WHERE Name = '123')
Is there anyway to add to this query the condition to include the library name Test
I was able to create the library, folder, and upload the pdf using the UI. How can I do all that with apex?
This is what I've done in my test code, but I can't navigate the relationships of all the sObjects involved.
// create Library
System.runAs ( new User(Id = UserInfo.getUserId()) ) {
ContentWorkspace cw = new ContentWorkspace();
cw.Name = 'Test';
insert cw;
// creat file
ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion();
cv.Title = 'dummy';
cv.PathOnClient = 'dummy.pdf';
cv.VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode('test');
insert cv;
// create folder. There is no clear way to add this folder to a library using apex...
ContentFolder f = new ContentFolder();
f.Name = '123';
insert f;
Then there needs to be some dml usage using ContentFolderItem and ContentFolderLink I believe...
After creating a folders, I've tried this code:
ContentWorkspace cw = [SELECT Id FROM ContentWorkspace WHERE Name = 'Test'];
Database.SaveResult[] results = Database.insert(folders, true);
List<ContentFolderLink> folderLinks = new List<ContentFolderLink>();
for(Database.SaveResult r : results) {
if(r.isSuccess()) {
ContentFolderLink cfl = new ContentFolderLink();
cfl.EnableFolderStatus = 'S';
cfl.ParentEntityId = cw.Id;
cfl.ContentFolderId = r.Id;
put I get a bunch of Field is not writeable