First, in Aura, we support styling using a component CSS file to ensure styles are scoped with .THIS and don't bleed and create problems with Salesforce and third-party components:
.THIS .slds-modal__container {
width : 60% !important; max-width : 80% !important;
Still, I have just checked with Summer '19 and this component named "styleTest" does generate a style tag as you would expect:
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
<h1>Aura Style Test</h1>
<aura:html tag="style">
.slds-modal__container {
width : 60% !important; max-width : 80% !important;
This is the output once I add it to a page:
<div data-component-id="styleTest" data-aura-rendered-by="348:0" class="flexipageComponent" data-aura-class="flexipageComponent">
<h1 data-aura-rendered-by="352:0">Aura Style Test</h1>
<style data-aura-rendered-by="354:0">
.slds-modal__container {
width : 60% !important; max-width : 80% !important;
Therefore the change is really at the CSS level, or with the quickAction components.
Overriding global SLDS using your trick is clever, but it will depend on load order, changes in SLDS, or changes in the quickAction components (a conversion from Aura to LWC for example might/will happen).
Like any remedial CSS, the best I can suggest is:
Short term: keep-up with the changes of each new release. Overriding SLDS of base components is not recommended, but you business needs might dictate so, and make it worth the investment.
Mid/long term: Contact Salesforce to see if your issue can be solved/supported by the platform. I doubt you're the only person with that specific need and there might already be an elegant way to solve this problem.
I will contact other key players and post additional comments as answers comes up.