My code snippet


    $wsdl = 'https://webservice.exacttarget.com/etframework.wsdl';

    try {
          @$client = new ExactTargetSoapClient($wsdl, array('trace'=>1));
          $client->username = '*****';
          $client->password = '******';
          $param = new ExactTarget_VersionInfoRequestMsg();
          $param->IncludeVersionHistory = True;
          $results = $client->VersionInfo($param);
    }catch (SoapFault $e) {

Its getting the error:

string(19) "User not authorized"
string(0) ""

I am able to login https://*.exacttarget.com/hub/ using these credential. Its wroking fine. But when I am using API Code it give the above error.

2 Answers 2


In general - here is a list of SOAP error's you will see with ExactTarget - http://help.exacttarget.com/en-US/technical_library/web_service_guide/soap_faults/

In the IMH you'll want to follow this path:

1.In the top right of your screen hover over the "Welcome ..." and you'll see this drop down.

In the top right of your screen hover over the "Welcome ..." and you'll see this drop down.

  1. Click on the "User Preferences" pane

  2. You'll see an overlay / modal come up, then click on the "Edit" button in that modal.

  3. You will then see a screen like the following You will then see a screen like the following

  • Posting answer here as the questions section on Code@ will eventually be removed. Commented Dec 26, 2013 at 12:16
  • Make sure to mark questions as answered as well, so that others know they are completed. Thanks! Commented Dec 26, 2013 at 12:50

Looks like you do NOT have API and WebService permissions enabled for your user. This link provides more details on how/ where you can fix this setting.

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