I am searching for Apex code formatter in Eclipse (Force.com IDE plugin for Eclipse). I would like to have something similar to Java formatter (CTRL+SHIFT+F). Is that possible?

  • I've been meaning to write my own, but hopefully there's one already out there!
    – sfdcfox
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 14:52
  • Copy the code into a Java editor and press CTRL+SHIFT+F. Then copy it back into the APEX editor. Unfortunately, that is not solution, just a nasty workaround.
    – FrankZ
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 15:00
  • That's why some people like to use Sublime Text 3[sublimetext.com/3]. It's a favorite tool among people inside of SF.
    – crmprogdev
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 18:32

1 Answer 1


No it's not possible yet. It's not currently supported with Force.com IDE, BUT you can vote on that idea at ideaExchange


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