I copied the product data to another object named foo. I used only the name and externalId of product to copy it to Foo object. Foo's external id matches with product's external Id.

Some of my product's Name have changed. So I want to run a script to update corresponding foo records name. Since the external Id is same between product and foo , I can use that as a reference to upsert the records in Foo. Below is my code, however I get this error:

System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: Externald__c duplicates value on record with id: a1H370000016QkV: []

Apex code:

List<Product2> products = [SELECT Name,PrdExternalId,Product__r.PrdExternalId FROM Product2 WHERE Warehouse_SKU__c!=Null];
        system.debug('Product list ********* ' + products);
            List<Foo__c> flist = new List<foo__c>();
            for(Product2 p : products){
                foo__c f = new foo__C();
                f.Externald__c = p.PrdExternalId;
                f.Name = p.Name;
                f.foo__r.Externald__c = p.Product__r.PrdExternalId; ->> NULL POINTER EXCEPTION HERE
            upsert flist;

Part 2- When I try to use f.foo__r.Externald__c = p.Product__r.PrdExternalId; to reference the self lookup on foo__c object i get

System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
  • 1
    You cannot do 'f.foo__r.Externald__c = p.Product__r.PrdExternalId;' updated answer Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 13:58

2 Answers 2


You need to use the external id in the update call

upsert flist Externald__c;

For part two of your question, seeing that you want to relate the parent and child foo records you can t do it the way you were trying but I also think that you need to create the parent separately, however I think you either need to build a map to successfully relate the parent back to the child or have a process builder/flow do the parent mapping for you to relate the parent to the child accurately something like this:

List<Product2> products = [SELECT Name,PrdExternalId,Product__r.PrdExternalId FROM Product2 WHERE Warehouse_SKU__c!=Null];
    system.debug('Product list ********* ' + products);
        List<Foo__c> flist = new List<foo__c>();
        Map<String, Foo__c> parentfMap = new Map<String, foo__c>();
        for(Product2 p : products){
            foo__c f = new foo__C();
            f.Externald__c = p.PrdExternalId;
            f.Name = p.Name;
                parentfMap.put(p.PrdExternalId, new Foo__c(Externald__c = p.Product__r.PrdExternalId))
        upsert parentfMap.values() Externald__c; 
        for(Foo__c f : flist){
           f.foo__c = parentfMap.get(f.Externald__c).Id;
        upsert flist Externald__c;

In theory that should work or be close to what you want to do

  • that worked.... I am trying to use the self lookup relationship on foo object also( Update my code). I hit a null pointer exception when I try to update with the parent's external Id.
    – SfdcBat
    Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 13:35
  • thanks... I get this error when trying the approach - System.DmlException: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, Duplicate external id specified: genwatt diesel 200kw: [Externald__c] . It seems like it is trying to insert an existing record?
    – SfdcBat
    Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 15:16
  • Was that from the first update call or the second also is it possible that there are multiple child records for the parent product? Also is there a name for the Parent record that's created? Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 15:31
  • It's from the first upsert call.. Yes , the product records are looped in this order - paretn1 , parent 2, child 1(parent1),child2(parent1). So the Map's value gets duplicate parent1, I can make it as a set to remove the duplicates and then covert to a list to upsert..but if the parent record already exist in foo__c , would the above approach work? I am covering a scenario where the child1 may be reparented to parent2..
    – SfdcBat
    Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 15:36
  • It should work, you just need to do a check on the key of the map to ensure it doesn't exist, made the change in the code Commented Jun 1, 2018 at 16:51

You have to specify the field which you want to use an external id.

So your syntax will be

upsert flist Externald__c;

You can even use Database methods

Database.upsert(flist , foo__c.Externald__c, true);

That being said, You cannot do

f.foo__r.Externald__c = p.Product__r.PrdExternalId;

As foo__r does not exist, foo__r would only exist when you query it.(Few exceptions lies). You have recrate a new Foo__C for parent to do your dml.

for(Product2 p : products){
    foo__c f = new foo__C();
    f.Externald__c = p.PrdExternalId;
    f.Name = p.Name;
    Foo__c parentFoo=new Foo__c();
    parentFoo.Externald__c = p.Product__r.PrdExternalId; 



 upsert flist Externald__c;

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