Based on comments, it sounds like you're looking to find a bunch of records by name. There is a dynamic way to do this, too. Most objects are searchable, but for those that are not, you need to fall back to a query. Here's the most optimized version I could come up with without spending too much time on it.
// Example inputs
String[] terms = new String[] { 'Demo', 'Test' };
String termString = String.join(terms,' OR ');
// Storage for data types
Set<SObjectType> searchTypes = new Set<SObjectType>();
Set<SObjectType> queryTypes = new Set<SobjectType>();
String[] relatedTos = new String[0];
Map<SObjectType, Map<String, Id>> allResults = new map<SobjectType, Map<String, Id>>();
// Discover all fields
for(SObjectField fieldToken: SObjectType.Contact.fields.getMap().values()) {
DescribeFieldResult describeResult = fieldToken.getDescribe();
String relatedName = describeResult.getRelationshipName();
if(describeResult.getSoapType() == SoapType.Id && relatedName != null && describeResult.isAccessible()) {
// if not searchable (e.g. RecordType) move to fallback plan
for(SObjectType theType: searchTypes) {
if(!theType.getDescribe().isSearchable()) {
// and remove them from searching
// Build SOSL RETURNING value
for(SObjectType theType: searchTypes) {
// Map by SObjectType, then Map Name to ID.
for(SObject[] objList: search.query('FIND :termString IN Name FIELDS RETURNING '+String.join(relatedTos,','))) {
Map<String, Id> objResults = new Map<String, Id>();
for(SObject record: objList) {
allResults.put(objList.getSObjectType(), objResults);
// Do the same for queries
for(SObjectType theType: queryTypes) {
Map<String, Id> objResults = new Map<String, Id>();
for(SObject record: Database.query('SELECT Name FROM '+theType+' WHERE Name = :terms')){
objResults.put((String)record.get('Name'), record.Id);
allResults.put(theType, objResults);
To get all the parents at once, expand your query:
String[] fields = new String[0];
for(SObjectField fieldToken: SObjectType.Contact.fields.getMap().values()) {
DescribeFieldResult describeResult = fieldToken.getDescribe();
String relatedName = describeResult.getRelationshipName();
if(describeResult.getSoapType() == SoapType.Id && relatedName != null && describeResult.isAccessible()) {
Then, just query the Contact itself:
Contact[] contacts = Database.query(
' FROM Contact WHERE Id = :recordId')