My governor limits are getting exceeded because i need to use count() for each individual fieldName and check fieldName != null, and return it's individual value

But there are over 300 fields, how to do it within governor limits? Is there any alternate approach to query each field name individually ?

public class testAccFields {
    public void testAccFields1() {
        String sobjectApiName = 'Account';
        Integer count = 0;
        String runQuery = '';
        String test = '';
        String allFields = '';
        List<String> fieldList = new List<String>();
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> schemaMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = schemaMap.get(SobjectApiName).getDescribe().fields.getMap();
        Map<String,Integer> recordListbyFieldMap = new Map<String,Integer>();
        for(String fieldName : fieldMap.keyset() )
            if(fieldName == 'Id' || fieldName == 'bank_account_number__c' || fieldName == 'BillingAddress' || fieldName == 'ShippingAddress' || fieldName== 'description' || fieldName == 'BillingStreet')
            else {
            test += +fieldName+ '!= NULL OR ';
            allFields += +fieldName+ ',';
            List<Account> s = database.Query('SELECT ' +allFields+ 'Id ' + ' FROM Account');
            for(Account acc : s ) {
                for(String fieldName : fieldList){ 
                    if(acc.get(fieldName) != null) {
                        if(recordListbyFieldMap.containskey(fieldName)) {
                        recordListbyFieldMap.put(fieldName,recordListbyFieldMap.get(fieldName) + 1);
                         else {
            system.debug('count accounts where Annual Revenue is not null' + recordListbyFieldMap.get('AnnualRevenue'));

here fieldName is having all the field name (350+) which Iam using individually inside a loop (i know it's a bad practice)

2 Answers 2


These types of computations are considered heavy computations. You will run into governor limits if you try to them synchronously in a single apex transaction.

If you have any other ETL tool like Mulesoft, Informatica you should ideally do the computations there and dump back the results to Salesforce asynchronously.

Salesforce Functions will be a good candidate for these computations once its GA

Native on Salesforce Platform

If you want to run this natively on Platform, leverage one of the asynchronous ways to break the context.

You can use Salesforce Batch apex or a Queuable to split the transactions into at least 4-5 transactions with 40-50 queries each.

Also, the best query for this will be as below

Integer s = database.countQuery('SELECT Count(' + fieldName + ') FROM Account'); 

Notice that COUNT(fieldName) only returns rows with NON NULL values while COUNT() does need filtering.

If this is something you need instantaneous then explore Apex Triggers than can fire on insert, delete and undelete of records and maintain this information in another custom object. For very first time you may have to manually populate the rows in this object but once trigger is deployed it will take care of it.One thing that might become bottleneck is performance with these 350 fields. A CPU hit may occur unless you invoke a queueable apex from trigger and chain up to atleast 4-5 jobs

  • Thank you for a well detailed reply and correcting the query, Iam new to Salesforce development. I was wondering what procedure to follow in splitting them into 4-5 transactions inside Batch class ?
    – CcMda
    Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 12:47
  • It could be a simple batch that accepts a number as parameter. All you need then is pass 1 for first 50 query, 2 for next etc with if statements on the parameter. Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 12:49
  • I also expanded the answer a bit to consider trigger if this is something that you need instantaneously Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 12:54
  • @CcMda Your batchable could be on string and start would be return object__c.fields.getMap().KeySet();. That would have the batch scope be the field names. Then you can set the scope size to whatever you want and have your execute run through the fields in its scope. Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 20:35

what is the use case you are trying to implement? if you have to run database.countQuery on individual fields then Mohith has explained all the best approachs.

But if by any chance you just need all the records where a particular field is not null then i would suggest run only 1 soql query and use apex collections to build your logic.

please find a sample code snippet to store all non null account records based on fieldname.

//hold all fieldapiName

List<String>  fieldNameList = new List<String {'id','Name','Billingcity','ShippingCountry'};

//Map to group account records by fieldname  if fieldname is not null

 Map<String,List<Account>> recordListbyFieldMap = new Map<String,List<Account>>();
 String Query = '';

 List<Account> accList = new List<Account>();


query += 'select ' + String.join(fieldNameList,',') +  ' from Account';



//populate map  with fieldname key and records if field is not null

for(Account acc : accList ) {
    for(String fieldName : fieldNameList){
        if(acc.get(fieldName) != null) {
            if(recordListbyFieldMap.containskey(fieldName)) {
                recordListbyFieldMap.put(fieldName,new List<Account>{acc}); 

system.debug('All accounts where country is not null' + recordListbyFieldMap.get('ShippingCountry') );

//code snippet to store count

//hold all fieldapiName

List<String>  fieldNameList = new List<String> {'id','Name','Billingcity','ShippingCountry'};

//Map to group account records by fieldname  if fieldname is not null

 Map<String,Integer> recordListbyFieldMap = new Map<String,Integer>();
 String Query = '';

 List<Account> accList = new List<Account>();


query += 'select ' + String.join(fieldNameList,',') +  ' from Account';



//populate map  with fieldname key and records if field is not null

for(Account acc : accList ) {
    for(String fieldName : fieldNameList){
        if(acc.get(fieldName) != null) {
            if(recordListbyFieldMap.containskey(fieldName)) {
                recordListbyFieldMap.put(fieldName,recordListbyFieldMap.get(fieldName) + 1);

//logic to handle zero non null records for a field

for(String fieldName : fieldNameList){

system.debug('count accounts where country is not null' + recordListbyFieldMap.get('ShippingCountry') );
  • I need the count , basically how commonly a field is getting used. The count can be used to do a field analysis.
    – CcMda
    Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 13:41
  • well, code can be modifed to store count also. please see edited answer. if you are dealing with very large dataset you might need to run through batch apex keeping state of count using stateful. Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 14:02
  • 1
    Thanks for the help
    – CcMda
    Commented Jul 31, 2021 at 16:26
  • Hi Gaurav , I worked on your 2nd solution you gave for count but in the debug it is showing me nullnull. Any help would be appreciated .
    – CcMda
    Commented Aug 2, 2021 at 12:44
  • sure. would be happy to help. can you post your updated code. and just to confirm the field for which it is showing null, what is the record count for non null values. Commented Aug 2, 2021 at 13:01

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