I'm trying to deploy a big object to Salesforce but there are some errors with the object's fields. The big object is based on a standard object that already exists in salesforce and has some standard fields that are from the original object. When I remove these standard fields from the object file, the package deploys successfully, but when I include the standard fields, the following error displays for each field: <field name> must end with: __c or __kav or __x or __b or __xo or __e or __p or __mdt
Object file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
<label>Organization Name</label>
<label>Sales Rep</label>
<label>Top Tier 150</label>
<referenceTo>User, Queue</referenceTo>
<label>Org Snapshot Index</label>
<label>Org Snapshot Big Object</label>
<pluralLabel>Org Snapshots</pluralLabel>
The fields in question here are Name, Owner, and LastModifiedBy. For some reason the field CreatedBy deploys successfully even though it is a standard field. What could be causing the errors on the last three fields?