when I try to compare two dates in lookuprows to receive rows which values in the column 'Available_From__c' are bigger than the value in variable @moveindate, results in this error. >
The Data Extension Key Value for a LookupRows function call is invalid. The value cannot be converted to the type of the key column. Function Call: LookupRows('Apartment_Master_Homelike','City__c',@City__c, 'Number_of_bedrooms__c', @Number_of_bedrooms__c,'Has_Availability__c','true','Online_and_verified__c','true','Available_From__c','@appartment_available > @moveindate') Data Extension Name: Apartment_Master_Homelike Key Field Name: Available_From__c Key Field Type: Date Time Key Value: @appartment_available > @moveindate
Here is the Lookuprows function.
LookupRows('Apartment_Master_Homelike','City__c',@City__c, 'Number_of_bedrooms__c', @Number_of_bedrooms__c,'Has_Availability__c','true','Online_and_verified__c','true','Available_From__c','@appartment_available > @moveindate')
The variable @moveindate is a date from another data extension. For testing, I also replaced @moveindate with a specific date which resulted in the same error.
Has anybody an idea on how to solve this?