I have created a custom object called Top5UpSells on Leads page which basically shows the top 5 potential UpSell opportunities for that lead based on his product interest captured in another custom field called product interest. So basically i am listing down those products under Top5UpSells whose Product2.Family is same as Lead.Product_Interest__c. I have a trigger written on Lead to insert Top5UpSells records by calling the following class' createUpSells method as follows:
//Class called by Trigger on Lead
public class leadUpSellHelper{
public void createUpSells(List<Lead> newLeads){
//Create a List of UpSells
List<UpSells_for_Leads__c> UpSellsSet = new List<UpSells_for_Leads__c>();
//Iterate over Leads to create upSellsSet for each Lead
for (Lead ld:newLeads)
List<PricebookEntry> pbeIds = new List<PricebookEntry>();
// Select those PriceBookEntries for 'Product Plans' pricebook where
//Product Family is same as Lead's Product Interest.
pbeIds = [Select Id from PricebookEntry where Product2.Family = :ld.Product_Interest__c
and Pricebook2Id in (select Id from Pricebook2 where Name = 'Product Plans')];
for (PricebookEntry pbeId:pbeIds)
UpSells_for_Leads__c UpSell = new UpSells_for_Leads__c();
UpSell.Related_Lead_UpSell__c = ld.Id;
// Throws error in below line
String prodName = String.valueof([Select PriceBookEntry.Product2.Name from pricebookentry where Id=:pbeId limit 1]);
UpSell.Related_Product_UpSell__c = [Select Id from Product2 where Name=:prodName];
UpSell.UpSell_Name__c = prodName;
//Insert UpSell records for all Leads
insert UpSellsSet;
But this does not seem to work. It throws the following ERROR:
Invalid bind expression type of SOBJECT:PricebookEntry for column of type Id
Please suggest how can i create a lookup field for Product using PricebookEntry and insert record in Top5UpSells refering that Product?