I have created a Custom Object called CSVUpload__c that I insert a CSV file into using the Bulk API. I have created a trigger to then insert into the correct sObjects after the insert.
However, I have hit another road block. I recently saw that I was missing a sObject from my schema called Order Product which looks like it is actually OrderItem for the Apex trigger.
In the sObject Products, I have a few products named "Gold", "Commercial", and so on. In the CSVUpload__c object, there is a field called MemberType__c that is the product name. My goal is to add a product to the OrderItem object but I'm not sure how to go about this. I also have a single price book entry with the name of Standard Price Book.
Here is my trigger, and what I have tried so far.
trigger OnUploadInsert on CSVUpload__c (after insert) {
Account[] accounts = new Account[] {};
Contact[] contacts = new Contact[] {};
Boat__c[] boats = new Boat__c[] {};
Membership__c[] memberships = new Membership__c[]{};
Order[] orders = new Order[]{};
OrderItem[] productOrders = new OrderItem[]{};//testing
Promotion_Code__c[] promos = new Promotion_Code__c[]{};
Set<String> setMemberType = new Set<String>(); // Used to store MemberType from CSVUpload__c object
Map<String,Id> mapMemberTypeProductId = new Map<String,Id>(); // Used to store map of MemberType to Product I
Set<String> setProductId = new Set<String>();
Map<String,Id> mapPriceBookEntryId = new Map<String,Id>();
for (CSVUpload__c u : Trigger.new) {
accounts.add(new Account(
Name = u.FirstName__c + ' ' + u.LastName__c
contacts.add(new Contact(
FirstName = u.FirstName__c,
LastName = u.LastName__c,
MailingStreet = u.Address__c,
MailingCity = u.City__c,
MailingStateCode = u.State__c,
MailingPostalCode = u.Zip__c,
HomePhone = u.HomePhone__c,
OtherPhone = u.BusinessPhone__c,
MobilePhone = u.MobilePhone__c,
Email = u.EmailAddress__C,
Title = u.Title__c,
Fax = u.FaxNo__c
boats.add(new Boat__c(
Address__c = u.BoatAddress__c,
City__c = u.BoatCity__c,
State__c = u.BoatState__c,
Zip__c = u.BoatZip__c,
Country__c = u.BoatCountry__c
memberships.add(new Membership__c(
Auto_Renew__c = u.AutoReNew__c,
MemberSince__c = u.MemberSince__c,
Expiration__c = u.ExpireDate__c,
MemberSource__c = u.MemberSource__c,
MemberStatus__c = u.MemberStatus__c,
Trailer_Care__c = u.TrailerCoverage__c
orders.add(new Order(
Status = 'Draft',
TypeAmt__c = u.TypeAmt__c,
PoDate = u.TransDate__c,
EffectiveDate = u.EffectiveDate__c
promos.add(new Promotion_Code__c(
Code__c = u.PromCode__c
insert accounts;
for (Integer i = 0; i < accounts.size(); i++) {
contacts[i].AccountId = accounts[i].Id;
boats[i].Account__c = accounts[i].Id;
memberships[i].Account__c = accounts[i].Id;
orders[i].AccountId = accounts[i].Id;
insert contacts;
insert boats;
insert memberships;
//for(Integer m = 0; m < memberships.size(); m++)
// orders[m].Membership__c = memberships[m].Id;
insert orders;
for(Integer o = 0; o < orders.size(); o++)
promos[o].Order__c = orders[o].Id;
//this is my effort, and it seems to be a poor one.
for(PriceBookEntry pe : [SELECT Id, Name FROM PriceBookEntry WHERE Product2Id IN : setProductId])
mapPriceBookEntryId.put(pe.Name, pe.Id);
productOrders[o].OrderId = orders[o].Id;//errors here
productOrders[o].PriceBookEntryId= mapPriceBookEntryId.get(Trigger.new[o].MemberType__c);
productOrders[o].Quantity = 1;
insert promos;
insert productOrders;
for(Product2 p : [Select Id,Name From Product2 Where Name IN : setMemberType]) {
for(Integer ms = 0; ms < memberships.size(); ms++)
memberships[ms].Product__c = mapMemberTypeProductId.get(Trigger.new[ms].MemberType__c);
update memberships;
The error that I am receiving is this..
OnUploadInsert: execution of AfterInsert
caused by: System.ListException: List index out of bounds: 0
Trigger.OnUploadInsert: line 87, column 1
I'm new to all of this, so I'm still not sure what I'm doing.
EDIT: I have updated my code but I'm still receiving an error.
trigger OnUploadInsert on CSVUpload__c (after insert) {
Account[] accounts = new Account[] {};
Contact[] contacts = new Contact[] {};
Boat__c[] boats = new Boat__c[] {};
Membership__c[] memberships = new Membership__c[]{};
Order[] orders = new Order[]{};
OrderItem[] productOrders = new OrderItem[]{};//testing
Promotion_Code__c[] promos = new Promotion_Code__c[]{};
Set<String> setMemberType = new Set<String>(); // Used to store MemberType from CSVUpload__c object
Map<String,Id> mapMemberTypeProductId = new Map<String,Id>(); // Used to store map of MemberType to Product I
Set<String> setProductId = new Set<String>();
Set<String> setPriceBookEntryId = new Set<String>();
Map<String,Id> mapPriceBookEntryId = new Map<String,Id>();
Set<String> setPriceBookId = new Set<String>();
Map<String, Id> mapPriceBookId = new Map<String, Id>();
for (CSVUpload__c u : Trigger.new) {
accounts.add(new Account(
Name = u.FirstName__c + ' ' + u.LastName__c
contacts.add(new Contact(
FirstName = u.FirstName__c,
LastName = u.LastName__c,
MailingStreet = u.Address__c,
MailingCity = u.City__c,
MailingStateCode = u.State__c,
MailingPostalCode = u.Zip__c,
HomePhone = u.HomePhone__c,
OtherPhone = u.BusinessPhone__c,
MobilePhone = u.MobilePhone__c,
Email = u.EmailAddress__C,
Title = u.Title__c,
Fax = u.FaxNo__c
boats.add(new Boat__c(
Address__c = u.BoatAddress__c,
City__c = u.BoatCity__c,
State__c = u.BoatState__c,
Zip__c = u.BoatZip__c,
Country__c = u.BoatCountry__c
memberships.add(new Membership__c(
Auto_Renew__c = u.AutoReNew__c,
MemberSince__c = u.MemberSince__c,
Expiration__c = u.ExpireDate__c,
MemberSource__c = u.MemberSource__c,
MemberStatus__c = u.MemberStatus__c,
Trailer_Care__c = u.TrailerCoverage__c
orders.add(new Order(
Status = 'Draft',
TypeAmt__c = u.TypeAmt__c,
PoDate = u.TransDate__c,
EffectiveDate = u.EffectiveDate__c
promos.add(new Promotion_Code__c(
Code__c = u.PromCode__c
productOrders.add(new OrderItem());
insert accounts;
for (Integer i = 0; i < accounts.size(); i++) {
contacts[i].AccountId = accounts[i].Id;
boats[i].Account__c = accounts[i].Id;
memberships[i].Account__c = accounts[i].Id;
orders[i].AccountId = accounts[i].Id;
insert contacts;
insert boats;
insert memberships;
insert orders;
for(Product2 p : [Select Id,Name From Product2 Where Name IN : setMemberType]) {
for(PriceBookEntry pe : [SELECT Id, Name FROM PriceBookEntry WHERE Product2Id IN : setProductId])
mapPriceBookEntryId.put(pe.Name, pe.Id);
//I thought this would be needed to set the PriceBook2Id in orders, but this returns the same error; Price Book Not Set on Orders: []
//for(PriceBook2 pb : [SELECT Id, Name FROM PriceBook2 WHERE Name = 'Standard Price Book'])
// mapPriceBookId.put(pb.Name, pb.Id);
// setPriceBookId.Add(pb.Id);
for(Integer o = 0; o < orders.size(); o++)
promos[o].Order__c = orders[o].Id;
orders[o].Pricebook2Id = mapPriceBookEntryId.get(Trigger.new[o].MemberType__c);//I updated my code from your anwser, I now get Price Book ID: id value of incorrect type: 01u37000000wNq8AAE: [Pricebook2Id]
productOrders[o].OrderId = orders[o].Id;
productOrders[o].PriceBookEntryId = mapPriceBookEntryId.get(Trigger.new[o].MemberType__c);
productOrders[o].Quantity = 1;
update orders;//added this to update the orders?
insert promos;
insert productOrders;
for(Integer ms = 0; ms < memberships.size(); ms++)
memberships[ms].Product__c = mapMemberTypeProductId.get(Trigger.new[ms].MemberType__c);
update memberships;